

Food Management in Care Homes (England) Policy

In respect of food provided within the home or brought into the home, the home has a duty to ensure that all staff and people who use services are kept as safe as possible from food poisoning and related food-associated illness by the adoption of the highest possible standards of food hygiene, food storage, food preparation and food serving.

The home understands that protecting people from the risks of food-borne illness means ensuring that they are given food and drink that not only meets their nutritional needs but is handled, stored, prepared and delivered in a way that meets the requirements of:

The home’s policy ensures compliance with all relevant regulations and guidelines, which include best practice advice from bodies such as the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and the National Association of Care Catering (NACC).


In {{org_field_name}}, the provision of safe, healthy and appropriate food which meets all required food safety legislation and nutritional guidelines is the responsibility of {{org_field_name}} manager. These responsibilities will be discharged through a catering manager, who is required to:

a. ensure that the home has up-to-date written operational policies which cover all areas of food safety and nutrition, such as:
i. preparation, cooking and cooling of food
ii. washing-up procedures
iii. handling of food waste
iv. health screening of food handlers prior to appointment
v. infection control procedures for food handlers
vi. transport, delivery, storage and serving of food around the premises
vii. training requirements for food handlers and catering staff
viii. adequate maintenance of building fabric (ie the kitchens and food stores) and catering equipment
b. implement all necessary food safety policies in the home by having effective management of food safety systems including a form of risk assessment based upon the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system
c. perform all necessary risk assessments, documenting any risk assessment findings and communicating any required changes to {{org_field_name}} management and staff
d. work with {{org_field_name}} manager and the facilities sites manager to ensure that kitchens and other food preparation, storing and serving areas are designed to be “fit for purpose” and are kept scrupulously clean, well maintained and in good condition at all times. This includes ensuring that:
i. there are adequate work surfaces and that all surfaces (including work surfaces and surfaces of equipment) in areas where food is handled, particularly those that are touched by food, are maintained in a sound condition and are easy to clean
ii. there are adequate washing facilities for cleaning, disinfecting and storing utensils and equipment and separate washing facilities for cleaning food and for washing hands
iii. there are an adequate number of flush lavatories available for catering staff which do not open directly into rooms where staff handle food
iv. all catering equipment is constructed of appropriate materials and kept in good order, repair and condition
v. food waste is disposed of in a hygienic and environmentally friendly way
vi. the home has an adequate supply of “potable” (drinking quality) water which can be used whenever necessary to ensure that foods are not contaminated
vii. the home has the necessary equipment and processes for food to be displayed, kept and served at safe temperatures
e. ensure that all staff working with food wash their hands properly, especially after using the toilet
f. ensure that catering staff are provided with adequate personal protective equipment, such as disposable gloves, hats and aprons, and are trained in their use. The catering manager will be responsible for ensuring that all such equipment is used properly and whenever necessary and will complete an annual audit to investigate such compliance
g. ensure that foods that have the potential to cause allergic reactions are managed effectively, and people who use services are offered nutritional information to help them make informed choices about their food and diet in compliance with the Food Information Regulations 2014, as amended by Natasha’s Law
h. keep careful records of all food hygiene activities conducted in the home
i. implement all staff health policies and procedures in relation to food handlers, ensuring that all food handlers who have been sick with a communicable disease do not return to work until at least 48 hours after the end of symptoms and not allowing anyone to handle food or enter a food handling area if they:
i. are suffering from or carrying a disease likely to be transmitted through food
ii. have infected wounds, skin infections or sores
iii. have sickness and diarrhoea
j. ensure that all those involved in food preparation, cooking and serving receive adequate supervision, instruction and training in food hygiene
k. ensure that any mini-kitchens in the home are kept in a clean and hygienic condition and to the same standards as larger kitchens
l. ensure that policies and procedures are in place covering any “gift food” brought into the home by relatives and carers
m. ensure that staff inspect and record the delivery of food into the home including food that is donated from a relative, a charity or other organisation.


{{org_field_name}} manager is responsible for the implementation of this policy.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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