Promoting and Supporting Personal Development (England) Policy
Policy Statement
{{org_field_name}} is committed to making sure that every person using the service has the opportunity to fulfil their potential and continue their personal development.
The policy is in line with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, which require care providers to deliver safe, respectful person-centred care based on choice, involvement and consent.
{{org_field_name}} is committed to making sure that every person has the opportunity to fulfil their potential and continue their personal development. Its approach to the personal development of people using the service is in line with its policies on equality and diversity and the Equality Act 2010.
Every person supported by this service will have opportunities for personal development regardless of their ethnicity, disabilities and complexity of those disabilities, gender, transgender, sexual orientation, culture, religion and beliefs.
How {{org_field_name}} Promotes and Supports Personal Development
The service demonstrates its commitment to personal development by providing information to prospective users of the service, which describes the full range of developmental opportunities available to them. It then makes sure that it comprehensively assesses each person’s needs for development and from the assessment identifies the measures needed to meet them.
{{org_field_name}} recognises that each person’s needs will be different and should be addressed in relation to their current and future aspirations and goals. These could include developing their abilities to reduce support needs and achieve greater independence and freedom.
All such aspirations and goals are included in the person’s care and support plan, which is developed with their full involvement, together with the means by which they can achieve their chosen goals. The service then undertakes to provide each individual with the support and resources that they need to promote their personal development and achieve their goals.
The service is committed to developing or obtaining the services, facilities and resources that people using the service need to promote their personal development. These commonly aim at developing personal, practical, social, emotional, communication and independent living skills.
{{org_field_name}} uses the resources of its staff, those of therapeutic agencies, advocacy services and professionals, and a wide range of community resources such as further and higher education, employment services, etc to contribute to the personal development of people using the service.
[Here the provider might wish to list the particular services, facilities and resources it uses and is developing or seeking.]
{{org_field_name}} is constantly seeking new ways of enabling people to meet their personal goals. It encourages them, where interested and able, to share their experiences with others, including service providers and professionals, and to become involved in user-led consultation and training initiatives.
In these ways, {{org_field_name}} believes that it is able to achieve high standards of care, which are consistent with best-practice guidance on person-centred care.
Staff Supervision and Training
All staff are offered regular supervision to help and support them in their relationships with the people they support. {{org_field_name}} believes that it is vital that its staff are able to engage with and establish constructive professional relationships if they are to help people achieve their personal goals.
Ongoing support and regular supervision are important means to enable staff to work effectively with the people using the service on these issues as key workers and as members of the team.
All new staff receive induction training in line with the Care Certificate standards framework. They are encouraged to work towards further qualifications that equip them with the knowledge and skills to promote people’s personal development.
All staff are expected to be fully committed to the aim of making people’s personal development central to their work.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
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