Smoking in Residential Care Policy
Policy Statement
It is widely accepted that tobacco smoking presents a serious health hazard and fire risk for smokers and non-smokers alike. This care organisation, therefore, recognises its duty under the Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations 2006 to provide smoke-free premises, with exceptions for people of the home under the Smoke-free (Exemptions and Vehicles) Regulations 2007. The home also recognises its duty as an employer to provide for its employees, so far as is reasonably practicable, a safe working environment which includes not subjecting staff to an excessively smoke-filled working environment.
In view of the above, smoking is therefore strictly prohibited on the premises except in certain areas specifically designated for people who use services only, and signposted for that purpose. This policy has been developed in consultation with people who use services, and with staff and their representatives to help provide a healthy, safe and comfortable environment for all.
Aim of the Policy
This policy is intended to set out the values, principles and policies underpinning the organisation’s approach to smoking on its premises. The aim of the policy is to protect staff and people who use services from the health risks associated with the inhalation of tobacco smoke and to ensure their safety, and that of the organisation’s property, by reducing fire risks. Where appropriate, the organisation will also support those people who use the services or members of staff who would like to stop smoking.
Designated Smoking Areas
In order to minimise the health risks associated with smoking, and the possibility of death, personal injury or damage to property resulting from fire, smoking by people who use services, visitors, contractors and staff is strictly prohibited on the premises except for the following areas.
- Smoking is permitted by people who use services and staff outside of the buildings in the following designated areas.
- People who use services may smoke indoors only in the properly designated smoking room.
In {{org_field_name}}:
- the above smoking areas should be clearly marked with smoking signs and should be provided with receptacles for smoking waste
- all other areas of the premises should be marked with No Smoking signs in compliance with the law
- the no smoking policy applies to all areas of the premises including kitchens, staff rest rooms, private offices, bathrooms, toilets, bedrooms of those receiving care, car parks and the organisation’s vehicles
- smoking regulations apply equally to people who use services, relatives, visitors, contractors and to all employees regardless of seniority
- staff have no rights to smoking breaks above or beyond their normal lunch or coffee breaks
- the designated smoking room will be kept clean and tidy at all times and will be provided with a suitable air ventilation system which should be maintained on an annual basis by: ___________________________________
- fire risks from smoking materials in the designated smoking area should be addressed regularly as part of the organisation’s fire risk assessment processes
- e-smoking aids are acceptable alternatives to cigarettes, etc and present less of a fire risk. However, people who use services who use e-smoking aids will be subject to the same rules in terms of use of smoking areas as tobacco smokers because there are similar health and safety risks associated with the habit.
Staff in {{org_field_name}} should never be required to work for prolonged periods in the designated smoking room and should not be asked to enter the room when active smoking is taking place.
All those new to the service should be informed of the smoking policy during their introductory visit. During their initial interview their attention should be drawn to the home’s smoking policy in their contract. All new members of staff should be informed of the policy during their induction period.
Non-compliance with this Policy
It is the organisation’s intention to enforce its no smoking regulations with sensitivity to, and respect for, the needs of employees and people who use services who do smoke. However, all breaches of the regulations will be treated as serious matters of discipline and dealt with in the appropriate manner.
In the unlikely event of a member of staff not respecting the policy, {{org_field_name}} manager should attempt to resolve the situation informally in the first instance. However, any repeated breaches of the policy will result in disciplinary procedures and may lead to dismissal.
Disputes arising from staff due to the no smoking policy will be dealt with through the organisation’s established grievance procedure.
Support for Stopping Smoking
{{org_field_name}} recognises that nicotine is a highly addictive substance and will do all that it can to help or support staff or people who use services who are smokers to give up their habit.
People who use services who wish to stop smoking should be referred to their GP or put in touch with the local NHS smoking cessation service.
Staff wishing to give up smoking should discuss the matter with {{org_field_name}} manager who, in some cases, may be able to consider access to occupational health counselling support and time off for treatment.
Policy Implementation
This policy is intended to benefit all employees and visitors and all employees are responsible for its continued implementation. Overall responsibility for ensuring the policy is implemented, monitored and reviewed rests with {{org_field_name}} manager. Information on the policy will be:
- circulated to all staff
- provided to all new employees
- included in the health and safety policy.
Responsibility for implementing and monitoring this policy rests with {{org_field_name}} manager. Monitoring this policy will be carried out at six-monthly intervals. Staff health and safety representatives will be consulted over the results of the monitoring and review.
All new staff should be encouraged to read the policy on smoking as part of their induction process and should also be referred to the “no smoking” clause in their contract of employment.
This policy would only apply if {{org_field_name}} allows people who use services to smoke. Some care providers operate a no smoking policy, which should be made clear in the information it provides to people considering using the services.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next review date: this policy is reviewed annually (every 12 months). When needed, this policy is also updated in response to changes in legislation, regulation, best practices, or organisational changes.
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