

Community Links and Social Inclusion of People Living in Care Homes (England) Policy

Policy Statement

This policy sets out the values, principles and policies underpinning {{org_field_name}}’s approach to the social and community life of the people living in the home and their need to develop and maintain community links.

It is written in line with the home’s registration requirements as set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, particularly Regulation 9: Person-centred Care and Regulation 10: Dignity and Respect.

People should expect their quality of life to be enhanced when they come to live in {{org_field_name}}. This is achieved by the provision of a safe, manageable and comfortable environment which provides the stimulation and encouragement to the people receiving care to pursue their lives to the maximum chosen physical, intellectual, emotional and social capacity and support them with their friendships and family relationships both inside and outside of the home.

Policy on Community Links and Social Inclusion

{{org_field_name}} recognises that people using the service should be able to maintain contacts with their families, friends, representatives and local community groups and volunteers as they wish, with, as a rule, no restrictions placed on visits to or from the home, with appropriate support from the home and with appropriate arrangements made for privacy.

Having social contacts outside of the home is a crucial part of living a fulfilled and healthy life. The home will do its best to provide ample opportunities for people using the service to mix, and seek friendship and pleasure in social contacts and in the company of their friends and relatives.

It is the policy of the home that the following applies.

  1. Staff will support people using the service to become part of, and participate in, the local community in line with their assessed needs and their individual care and support plans.
  2. Every new person receiving care will receive a resource pack containing leaflets and information about all local community resources open to them. This pack will be provided in a format that the person can understand and should be fully explored with a member of staff. The pack should include knowledge about services, facilities and activities in the local community including shops, clubs, libraries, cinemas, pubs, leisure centres, places of worship, cultural centres and day centres.
  3. The home will maintain a neighbourly and friendly relationship with the community around it.
  4. People using the service should be enabled to exercise their civic rights, including to be politically active and to vote.
  5. Time for staff to be with and provide support for people using the service outside the home will be provided on a flexible basis as a recognised part of staff duties, including evenings and weekends.
  6. The home should value, and seeks to reflect, the racial and cultural diversity of people using the service and of the community in which it is located.

The Role of the Home in the Community

The management team of a home will make a positive effort to fostering good working relationships with the local community as a whole. {{org_field_name}} believes that taking an active and high-profile role in the local community is the best way to support people using the service.

To this end the home will:

  1. continue to work with its community contacts to strengthen the position of the home in the local community
  2. with the involvement of people using the service and support, put on birthday parties for people who want one, celebrate all major festivals, hold an annual open day, and other culturally appropriate celebrations
  3. encourage involvement in the home by local community groups and/or volunteers according to the wishes of people using the service
  4. continually review its policy according to the wishes as expressed by individuals or groups of people using the service or as expressed in regular meetings or surveys of their opinions.


All staff are trained in person-centred care planning principles and methods, which includes how they can help people using the service to be involved in their local community and to take part in community activities. Staff on escort duty when away from the home are trained in aspects of safety including risk assessment and management.

All staff are trained to:

  1. be aware of the rights of people using the service to access public facilities under disability anti-discrimination and equality legislation
  2. have knowledge about, and support for, people to make use of services, facilities and activities in the local community (eg shops, library, cinema, pubs, leisure centres, places of worship, cultural centres).

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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