

Display of Quality Ratings in Care Homes (England) Policy

Policy Statement

{{org_field_name}} understands that under Regulation 20(A) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 it must display the current quality rating awarded by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) within 21 days of it being notified of the award. The rating will show that the service has been awarded one of the following grades: “Outstanding”, “Good”, “Requires Improvement” or “Inadequate”. If it does not display the rating following CQC directions, then it is liable to be fined by CQC under its legal enforcement powers.

{{org_field_name}} understands that:

Requirements for Care Homes

To comply with the requirement, {{org_field_name}} displays its poster prominently [eg in the entrance area and/or in those areas of the home that attract the attention of service users, and other visible areas such as the notice board].

It also follows the CQC recommendation (as shown in the CQC template) to include on display the summary of the inspection report that has produced the rating. This information is made fully available to service users and those concerned with their care by including it [eg in the home’s brochures, other information provided to prospective service users and the service user guide].

Online Ratings

The service follows CQC guidance by using its widget and templates that can be downloaded from the CQC website. The use of these tools enables the service to:

Celebrating Success

Following CQC recommendations, if the service gains an “Outstanding” or “Good” rating, it will use all opportunities to publicise this result.

Supporting Information

Should the service be awarded a rating of “Requires Improvement” or “Inadequate”, it will provide supporting information to show how the service is making any improvements that have been assessed as being needed to achieve a rating of “Good” or “Outstanding”.


All staff are made aware of the requirement to display the service’s quality rating and with service users and their relevant others are fully involved in the policies and plans to improve it.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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