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D197. Risk Assessment and Management for Service Users

This policy, which applies to all adult care services, sets out the values, principles and procedures underpinning the provider’s approach to assessing and managing the risks to service users of coming to harm. It is produced in line with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 to provide safe, person-centred care.

Policy Statement

  1. {{org_field_name}} works on the basis its service users lead their own lives as they wish and choose, which means that from time to time they will take different kinds of risk, and they have the right to do so.
  2. At the same time, {{org_field_name}} recognises that it has a specific duty of care to see that service users are kept safe from harm and injury in its service provision and a general duty to ensure that they are protected from harm and risk of harm because of neglect or abuse.
  3. As part of the process of planning care, {{org_field_name}} helps each potential service user to assess the risks involved in any of its proposed activities, weighing the benefits and possible adverse effects, and coming to a measured conclusion.
  4. Such risk assessments are recorded on the service user’s plan of care together with any plans to manage significant risks that are identified from the assessments.
  5. Service users who might lack the mental capacity to assess and manage their risky behaviour will have their rights protected through the carrying out of risk assessments in line with mental capacity law “best interests” decision taking, and, where required, deprivation of liberty authorisation procedures.
  6. {{org_field_name}} routinely carries out assessments in respect of risks to service users’ personal safety, their level of nutrition and vulnerability to falls and pressure sores, and use of medication, where indicated from the service user plan of care.
  7. The results of these risk assessments together with any risk management plans are also included on the service user’s plan of care.
  8. Risk assessments are also carried out for service users who are responsible for their own medication, where {{org_field_name}} is required to assist in some way.
  9. {{org_field_name}} has regularly and routinely carried out all risk assessments relating to the Covid-19 outbreak in line with national and local public health guidance, and put in place all risk control measures required of it.

Summary of Key Risk Assessment and Management Areas

{{org_field_name}} might carry out risk assessment and management plans in relation to the following areas in which service users’ personal safety might be threatened in some ways and to some significant level or degree.

Note: The list is not exhaustive and will require adjusting to service requirements.

Risk area for assessmentKey risk assessment methodsActions taken to manage any assessed risks
Nutritional statusWhere involved in helping with a person’s nutrition and hydration, {{org_field_name}} assesses all risks to the person’s nutritional status, typically in partnership with GP and dieticiansNutritional management plans are developed with advice from GP and dietician
Risks of falls and other injuries from difficulties with mobilityFalls and general mobility risk assessments are made wherever neededFalls prevention and management plans developed as required
Risks from daily living environmentRisks to personal safety from hazards within the daily living environment are routinely assessed from observation and understanding the individual’s needsIndividual support plans to manage any risks are put into place with specialist, eg occupational therapist, advice and guidance where indicated
Gardens and outside areas (where applicable)Regular checks are made to ensure the safety of paths, furniture, ponds and other features that could be hazardous; all high-risk areas are protected, eg with fencing for ponds, non-slip surfaces, etcIndividual support plans for anyone who might be at risk of injury from outside areas, eg falls/wandering into unsafe areas
Skin health and tissue viability, including vulnerability to pressure soresRisk assessments are made using a validated professional tool and in line with current best practice guidance (and under safeguarding supervision in specific instances)Care plans are put into place with appropriate medical advice and guidance depending on the individual needs; development of high-grade pressure sores without a satisfactory explanation might become a safeguarding issue under the category of neglect
Behavioural and emotional risks from aggressive or challenging behaviour and situations including self-harmRisks are assessed to ensure the personal safety of the service user and others involved with the service user, including care workers for whom {{org_field_name}} has a duty of careBehavioural and emotional risk management plans are used to reduce all risks to anyone’s personal safety from challenging behaviour and situations
Protection from harmAny service user who is vulnerable to being harmed is assessed in line with local adult safeguarding policies and proceduresA risk management plan is put into place to comply with agreed safeguarding of vulnerable adult procedures
Administering Medicines, including Self-medicationWhere {{org_field_name}} is involved in administration of medication, it: assesses all risk from the taking of the medicine including possible administration errorsassesses service users’ capacity to be responsible for their own medication and any risks from self-administrationrecords and reports any risks to responsible medical staff and avoids possible errors.Plans to monitor and supervise any identified risks from administration of medicines and self-medication, particularly with PRN medicines, multi-prescribing and use of non-prescribed medicines, and ensuring full reporting of risks and their management.
Additional health and other risks such as from smoking habitsThese are assessed on an individual case-by-case basisAppropriate risk management plans are put into place based on the risk assessment
Needs for positive risk-takingThese are also assessed on an individual case-by-case basis and recorded on the personal planAppropriate risk management plans are put into place as indicated by the assessment (see separate Positive Risk Taking for Service Users Policy)

Wherever an area of risk is identified, it is systematically assessed and management plans made as an outcome of the assessment. All risk management plans are reviewed as part of the regular reviewing of the service user plan and re-assessments made as needed.

(See also {{org_field_name}}’s policies on needs assessments and service user plans and the complementary policy on Health and Safety Risk Assessment.)

Expectations on Staff

{{org_field_name}} expects its employees to:


New staff receive training at induction onwards in all aspects of assessing and managing risks in line with {{org_field_name}}’s policies and procedures.

Staff new to care work are required to achieve all the Care Certificate standards that include risk issues, particularly Standard 13: Health and Safety.

Further specialised training in different areas of risk assessment and management is provided as required by individuals’ roles and responsibilities.

Needs for refresher training are assessed during supervision and appraisals.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next review date: this policy is reviewed annually (every 12 months). When needed, this policy is also updated in response to changes in legislation, regulation, best practices, or organisational changes.

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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