D226. Staff Qualities and Qualifications
Policy Statement
This policy sets out the values, principles and policies underpinning {{org_field_name}}’s approach to the personal and professional qualities it expects of its staff and the levels and types of qualifications that the service needs to provide the highest possible standards of care.
We are committed to providing the highest quality service possible for all its service users with a well-trained, highly-motivated and professionally-led staff group aware of its legal, ethical and moral duties. We treat everyone with respect, dignity and compassion.
{{org_field_name}} continually strives to achieve its objective of having a full complement of committed, qualified staff who can meet service users’ full range of needs and always ensure their safety and wellbeing.
This approach is in line with our registration conditions and the requirements of the fundamental standards’ regulations with which we must comply.
(See also Supporting and Developing Staff Policy for details on how {{org_field_name}} proceeds with its development and training.)
All staff must respect our service users and be accessible, approachable and comfortable with them, be good listeners and communicators, reliable and honest, interested, motivated and committed. In addition, they should have the skills and experience necessary for the tasks they are expected to perform, including:
- knowledge of service users’ disabilities, impairments and vulnerabilities
- specialist skills to meet service users’ individual needs, including skills in communication and in dealing with all kinds of behaviour
- understanding of the different ways that service users, particularly those who have difficulties in communicating through speech, can communicate their needs, preferences, complaints and frustrations
- understanding of the cultural and religious heritage of each service user
- (where relevant) techniques for rehabilitation including treatment and recovery programmes, the promotion of mobility, continence and self-care
- appreciation and ability to respond to service users’ changing needs.
{{org_field_name}} aims to recruit and develop a highly trained and qualified workforce to give as high a standard of care to service users as possible. {{org_field_name}} promotes staff training and the ongoing continuing education of its staff. It supports requests to gain further qualifications wherever those qualifications fit in with {{org_field_name}}’s business plan, and they are in line with individuals’ appraisal and personal learning plans.
{{org_field_name}}’s policy on staff qualifications is in line with its registration conditions and guidance published by the CQC and the care sector’s workforce development and training organisation, Skills for Care.
It provides opportunities to staff for training and qualifications relevant to their job roles by:
- identifying their learning and development needs so that they have the knowledge and skills to address service users’ needs effectively
- providing all staff with a learning and development plan from the point of induction onwards
- having a learning and development plan that meets mandatory Skills for Care and professional registration requirements
- making sure that staff are enabled to take part in learning and development that is relevant and appropriate for their roles
- supporting staff to take part in accredited training where relevant
- taking account of the working patterns of staff in enabling them to take part in development and learning activities.
Management Responsibilities
Management ensures that:
- adequate, suitably trained and qualified staff are always available
- all professional staff are suitably qualified and fully adhere to the standards of their professional registration, where applicable, and Codes of Practice
- all staff take every reasonable opportunity to maintain and improve their professional knowledge, qualifications and competence, reviewing, refreshing and updating their training as needed
- as far as practically possible, staff have no previous history of work inconsistent with a caring profession.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next review date: this policy is reviewed annually (every 12 months). When needed, this policy is also updated in response to changes in legislation, regulation, best practices, or organisational changes.
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