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Ill, Injured, Dead or Unresponsive Service Users in Care at Home Policy

Policy Statement

{{org_field_name}} recognises that from time to time people who use our service will have accidents, fall ill, suffer from losses of consciousness or die suddenly and that employees will have to respond to such emergencies. This policy, and the procedures that stem from it, is intended to make sure that in any event staff are able to respond efficiently and appropriately so that the person affected receives the most effective care and treatment as quickly as possible.

The policy is in line with the national health and social care standards described in My Support, My Life, particularly statements made under Standard 3: “I have confidence in the people who support and care for me” and Standard 4: “I have confidence in the organisation providing my care and support.”

Scope of the Policy

The policy covers all accidents, incidents and emergencies that our staff might have to address and respond to in the course of their work, such as injuries and incidents whereby people lose consciousness or, in extreme cases, might appear or even be dead. Although the focus of the policy is very much the people who use our services, it also includes accidents and emergencies to members of staff, relative and visitors, who might need on occasion to be responded to in similar ways. Accidents and injuries can be relatively minor, for example, resulting from trips, falls and cuts, or major, for example when someone has a heart attack.

Common Principles

Responses to the emergencies falling within the scope of the policy follow common principles and standards of:

  1. acting promptly and efficiently
  2. ensuring the person is treated in a dignified way and any need for privacy met
  3. summoning the appropriate help
  4. reporting and recording the incident: this should be done in all cases
  5. investigating and reviewing the situation to identify whether there are lessons to be learned that might help prevent or reduce the risk of any reoccurrence (again depending on the circumstances).

Actions to be taken in the event of finding people who use the service ill, injured, not responding or dead, or where they are subject to other accidents and need to be responded to as a matter of urgency

In the event of an accident, incident or emergency, which could also result when a care worker cannot gain usual access to the person’s home, staff should take the following actions.

  1. In the event of a minor injury or health-related incident, the First-aid Policy should be followed and first-aid care rendered according to the situation and the member of staff’s capabilities and training. Following such an incident, an incident or accident form should be completed and the service user’s GP informed. The staff member’s line manager should be notified at the earliest opportunity and further instructions might follow.
  2. In the event of an injury where medical attention is considered advisable or necessary, the service user’s GP or an ambulance should be called as appropriate. If there is any doubt about the need for medical attention, an ambulance should be called immediately and arrangements should be made to take the casualty to hospital.

If the first-aider, staff member involved and/or manager decide that an ambulance is appropriate, particularly if the person is not responding or possibly dead, they should follow the procedure below.

  1. Call the emergency services and make arrangements for an ambulance to be sent immediately. It is essential that the precise location of the occurrence is given and the nearest point of access for the ambulance suggested.
  2. Make arrangements for the ambulance to be met by a relative or other person as appropriate and if available.
  3. Ensure that the person is accompanied to hospital, when appropriate, by a responsible person and that they contact the organisation’s main office soon after arrival at the hospital, to give updated information on the condition and location of the casualty.
  4. Contact the line manager to report the incident and make arrangements for the appropriate forms to be completed at the appropriate time.
  5. The manager will then be responsible for following any applicable notification procedures.


If the staff member is unsure about the course of action to take, or in the event of complications (such as having to accompany the service user themselves), then they should contact their duty line manager for advice.

The responsible line manager should then ensure that arrangements are made for relatives or friends of the casualty to be advised fully of the situation, if necessary, and to ensure that an incident report form and any other relevant paperwork is completed as soon as possible.

In the event of an injury requiring first aid, where a fire is reported, where there is violence or aggression or where a service user goes missing, then the appropriate policy should be followed.

Accident or Incident Reporting

All accidents, incidents, emergencies and “near misses” must be recorded and reported to the management using a standard incident form. Accident and incident reports should then be dealt with according to the Accident Reporting Policy. Employers must by law notify certain categories of accidents, specified cases of ill health and specified dangerous occurrences to the Health and Safety Executive or the local authority to comply with the RIDDOR.

A written record should be kept of any accident or incident, however minor, which occurs in the organisation.

Related Policies

The policy inevitably links to several other policies and procedures, including:

Such policies will be invoked depending on individual circumstances.


All staff receive induction training in the service’s policy for dealing with accidents and emergencies, involving injuries, illnesses, people who are not responding and sudden deaths.

The training includes basic first aid and the role of the designated first-aider.

The sessions cover the drill of how staff should act in an emergency situation.

All employees are also given adequate training and information on accidents and injuries and their prevention in line with health and safety requirements.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next review date: this policy is reviewed annually (every 12 months). When needed, this policy is also updated in response to changes in legislation, regulation, best practices, or organisational changes.

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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