First Aid at Work in Domiciliary Care Policy
Policy Statement
This policy is designed to promote the health, safety and welfare of the people we support, staff and visitors to the office through the provision of suitable first-aid equipment and trained first-aid personnel in compliance with the requirements of the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 and its associated code of practice, L74 First Aid at Work.
Aims of the Policy
This domiciliary care organisation understands that the aim of providing first aid is to save lives and to ensure that minor injuries and illnesses sustained during the course of work do not escalate into major ones. The aim of this policy is therefore to ensure that:
- a suitable and sufficient first-aid risk assessment is carried out and made subject to regular review
- a suitable number of staff are nominated and appropriately trained as qualified first aiders in accordance with the findings of the risk assessment
- qualified first aiders are supported by a number of appointed persons if required
- suitably stocked and marked first-aid kits are made available at appropriate locations throughout workplace
- all staff are fully informed with regard to first-aid arrangements
- written records are maintained of any accidents, reportable injuries, diseases or dangerous occurrences that require a first-aid response
Risk Assessment
{{org_field_name}} will conduct a risk assessment of all workplace activities, facilities and hazards in order to determine first-aid risks and needs. The assessment will be regularly updated and reviewed, particularly where there is any change in working arrangements or where new risks may be identified.
The assessment will pay particular attention to:
- any use of machinery, tools or equipment
- any use of medical “sharps”
- the storage or use of potentially hazardous substances
- the potential for workplace violence or aggression
- lone working risks
- existing levels of first-aid support
- the time taken to summon emergency medical assistance should it be needed
The risk assessment will be based on guidance contained in L74 First Aid at Work, the code of practice published by the Health & Safety Executive.
From the risk assessment a judgment will be made as to how many trained and qualified first aiders will be required to provide an effective and safe response to the potential risk of accidents and injuries during working hours.
A judgment will also be made as to how many fixed and portable first-aid kits should be available and where they are to be located/who they should be allocated to.
In determining the level of provision required the organisation will take into consideration:
- provision required during holidays
- adequacy of the provision to account for predicted staff absences
- provision of first-aid for off-site activities and lone workers
- provision for shift workers and night staff
Specific consideration will be given to staff or people we support who have special health needs or disabilities.
Qualified First-Aiders
All qualified first-aiders will be expected to hold a current certificate of competence that demonstrates they have successfully attended and completed appropriate training. Such certificates are usually valid for three years and then need to be refreshed. Recognised best practice is for first aiders to attend annual updates in between their 3 yearly refreshers.
{{org_field_name}} will:
- support new first-aider candidates to identify, arrange and attend appropriate initial certification courses
- support qualified first aiders to find and attend suitable 3 yearly refresher training courses and appropriate annual updates
Refresher training and retesting of competence should be arranged at least three months before certificates expire.
Appointed Persons
An appropriate number of appointed persons will be identified to support the qualified first-aiders.
Responsibilities will include:
- looking after the first-aid equipment, restocking first-aid containers when required and replacing out-of-date materials
- calling for an ambulance or other professional medical help when needed
Appointed persons will be given suitable training as required. They will not be called upon to perform any hands-on first aid duties except in unforeseen circumstances, such as where a first-aider is absent due to illness, etc.
An identified manager will be responsible for overseeing first-aid arrangements.
The manager will be expected to:
- undertake the regular risk assessments and review them as appropriate
- keep an up to date list of all qualified first-aiders, including the dates of their training and the dates of required refresher training
- identify additional first-aider volunteers where numbers are predicted to fall below the level whereby all shifts and working patterns can be covered
- help with organising suitable training
- monitor the appropriate recording of accidents and near misses that require first-aid and review the effectiveness of the first-aid response to incidents
- order first-aid equipment and supplies as required
- ensure that full-time, part-time and temporary staff are familiar with first-aid arrangements
First-aid Materials, Equipment and Facilities
An appropriate number of first-aid kits will be made available at various points around the domiciliary care office. These will be of the appropriate size and type and will be kept stocked with appropriate first-aid materials and equipment as informed by the risk assessment and by British Standard BS8599.
First-aid containers will be:
- marked with a white cross on a green background
- located in suitable and accessible places
All home care workers will be issued with a personal first-aid kit. They will also be issued with a mobile phone by which they can summon emergency help if they require it and contact the agency offices.
Only specified first-aid supplies will be kept. Creams, lotions or drugs should not be kept in first-aid kits.
Information and Notices
First-aid notices giving the location of first-aid containers and the names of members of staff who are certificated first aiders will be prominently displayed in the domiciliary care agencies offices.
The organisation will make every effort to ensure that first-aid notices are clear and easily understood by all.
Information on the first-aid provision will be included in staff handbooks, induction packs for new staff, etc.
Recording Accidents and Injuries
All accidents and injuries will be recorded in a written or electronic form according to the organisations accident reporting policies and procedures.
The record of any first-aid treatment given by first aiders and other appointed persons will include:
- the date, time and place of the incident
- the name of the injured or ill person
- details of the injury or illness, and what first aid was given
- the name and signature of the first aider or person dealing with the incident
Accident reports, including those where first-aid assistance was given, will be regularly reviewed and lessons learnt about the adequacy and effectiveness of the organisations first-aid arrangements.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next review date: this policy is reviewed annually (every 12 months). When needed, this policy is also updated in response to changes in legislation, regulation, best practices, or organisational changes.
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