

Safeguarding People Using a Care Service from Abuse or Harm Overarching (Wales) Policy

Policy Aims

This safeguarding policy sets out the:

Policy Statement

{{org_field_name}} is committed to safeguarding people using the service from all forms of abuse/harm. It recognises that it must always protect people receiving its care and identify and deal with specific instances of abuse/harm if they occur.

It will continue to exercise its safeguarding responsibilities fully in any emergency that might arise as was the situation during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The policy is written in line with the safeguarding standards (26–31) for care homes and domiciliary support services developed under the Regulated Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2017 and best safeguarding practice guidance.

The service seeks to comply in all respects with current safeguarding legislation and regulations, as developed by the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.

It seeks to work in line with local authority safeguarding adults policies and procedures and guidance from the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW). It recognises the importance of national guidance such as the:

The policy has also taken note of the National Institute for Clinical and Health Excellence: N189, Safeguarding Adults in Care Homes (NICE, 2021) as applicable to Wales care services.

Staff will also need to be reminded of their duties to protect vulnerable people, which are included in their job descriptions and Code of Practice for Social Care Workers.

{{org_field_name}} recognises that people using the service who lack mental capacity are particularly vulnerable to abuse/harm and exploitation. It is accordingly mindful of the need to follow the principles and practice guidance that has accompanied the Mental Capacity Act 2005. These apply particularly to investigations of possible abuse/harm in which it is important to seek means of ascertaining the experiences and views of any victim or indeed alleged perpetrator who might lack capacity, eg by seeking the services of independent advocates.

Safeguarding Framework

{{org_field_name}} is always aiming for the very best quality of care and will not be satisfied with anything that falls short of this. It takes every possible action to prevent abuse/harm and to deal with it as promptly and effectively as possible if it occurs.

The service understands that local safeguarding arrangements and developments follow common nationally approved principles.

{{org_field_name}} applies the principles underpinning all adult protection legislation and official guidance, which require consideration of:

In applying these principles, the service seeks to work in line with local authority support and protection policies and procedures and Care Inspectorate Wales guidance.

Safeguarding Responsibilities

The service has a Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) or “Lead”, who provides a one-stop point of contact for addressing initially all safeguarding concerns in the service and in corresponding and communicating with external agencies, particularly the local authority adult safeguarding team.

The current Designated Safeguarding Person/Lead is:

Contact Details:_________________________________

Related Policies

This policy should be read with the several other policies that relate to safeguarding of people receiving care. They include the policies on complaints, physical restraint, the management of a person’s money and financial affairs, recruitment, induction, staff development and training, staff supervision and importantly whistleblowing. The policy on mental capacity will also be relevant in some circumstances.

Our service recognises that safeguarding involves a range of responses to different forms of abuse and potential sources of harm and the different contexts in which abuse occurs. Accordingly, this policy should be read and used in association with a suite of policies all designed to make sure that users are safe from abuse and the risks of their coming to harm are kept to the minimum and well managed.

Key related policies are:

[Amend/Add others that are relevant to the approach to safeguarding.]

Local Authority Safeguarding

{{org_field_name}} develops its policies and procedures in line with regional Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs) recommendations and guidance, which the service understands follow the All Wales Safeguarding Procedures as found on its website together with relevant documentation for, eg raising alerts and staff training.

The Adults Safeguarding Board/Hub to which {{org_field_name}} relates and reports is: [Add details including:]

Telephone numbers
Local Safeguarding Adults Service Manager:
Key Liaison Staff:

Defining Abuse

{{org_field_name}} recognises that in line with the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014Regulated Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2017 abuse/harm of service users may take the following forms:

There are also various forms of antisocial behaviour that intentionally or unintentionally can result in being abused or harmed. These include general rowdiness, creating lots of noise, keeping people awake, interfering and invasions of people’s privacy. {{org_field_name}} might need to act in response to antisocial behaviour with the responsible authorities.

The scope of local authority statutory safeguarding responsibilities includes domestic abuse and violence, modern slavery, female genital mutilation and forced marriage all as forms of abuse that will need to be addressed by {{org_field_name}} if it has evidence that any person using the service was experiencing these forms of abuse.

It is recognised that the service must always protect its users and identify and deal with specific instances of abuse/harm if they occur.

(Descriptions and examples of these different forms of abuse can be found in the Safeguarding: Recognising and Reporting Signs of Abuse topic.)

Identifying Perpetrators of Abuse/Harm

{{org_field_name}} accepts that abuse/harm can be committed by a range of possible people. It therefore accepts its responsibility to protect the people using its services from possible abuse/harm from all sources. These include the agency’s employees, family members and others, including peers, if the employees find or suspect they are harming a person at risk.

Possible perpetrators are:

Staff Responsibilities

All care service staff have a responsibility to:

Managers’ Responsibilities

{{org_field_name}} requires its managers to take responsibility for:

Safe Recruitment Practices

{{org_field_name}} takes great care in the recruitment of staff, carries out all possible checks on recruits to ensure that they are of a high standard and co-operates in all initiatives regarding the sharing of information on care workers who are found to be unsuitable to work with people at risk. The service ensures that new employees working in regulated activity are checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and against the barred lists.

Preventing Abuse/Harm

The service is committed to taking all possible steps to prevent abuse/harm from occurring including:

Identifying Actual or Possible Abuse/Harm

The service aims to identify any instances of actual or possible abuse/harm of people using the service by all possible means including:

Procedures for When Abuse/Harm Has Occurred or is Alleged to Have Occurred

If abuse/harm is clearly occurring or is alleged to have occurred, the service takes swift action to limit the damage to people using the service and to deal with the abuse, as follows.

Initial procedures

Referring incidents of abuse or of alleged abuse

(See Resources for a suite of forms to help identify, report and assess suspected abuse.)

Enquiring into alleged abuse/harm

In many cases, an enquiry will be carried out or led by a member of an external agency in line with the action plan determined by the initial strategy meeting convened by the local authority safeguarding service. If a staff member is expected to carry out the enquiry, they should proceed as follows.

• The person making the enquiries will usually consult the person who may have been abused/harmed to hear their account of what has occurred and their views about what action should be taken, involving the people using services’ relatives, friends or representatives if that is appropriate and in line with the wishes of the individual.
• The enquiry should take into account:
a) the fears and sensitivity of the abused/harmed person
b) any risks of intimidation or reprisals
c) the need to protect and support witnesses
d) any confidentiality or data protection issues
e) the possible involvement of other agencies, including the police, local authority safeguarding team and the CIW
f) the obligation to keep the abused/harmed person and in specific instances the alleged perpetrator on the progress of the investigation.
• It will be important to assure the person who may have been abused/harmed that they will be taken seriously, that their comments will as far as possible be treated confidentially, that they will be protected from reprisals and intimidation, and that they will be kept informed of actions taken and of the outcome.
• It will be important to consider if the person needs independent help or representation in presenting their evidence and, in association with the registered manager, if necessary, will arrange for the appropriate help or support to be made available. This will be in line with the rights of people to have access to Independent Professional Advocacy under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.
• If the abused/harmed person expressly states a wish that no further action should be taken, the investigating officer will consider whether:
a) a danger to others exists from not investigating further
b) in the light of that assessment it is possible to follow the person’s wishes
c) in any case, precautionary measures should be taken to protect others from the possibility of abuse from the same source.
The person will be informed of what is to happen.
• Once it is decided that the enquiries should continue, they will look into all aspects of the situation as discreetly and confidentially as possible.
• The enquiries could include interviewing the staff involved in the incident up to that point, hearing and assessing evidence from any others who might be in a position to supply information, exploring every other possible source of evidence, maintaining appropriate contact with any other agencies involved and, if necessary, seeking expert advice on any technical aspects of the situation which are outside the knowledge or expertise available within the organisation.
• Any staff from whom evidence is taken will be assured that they will be dealt with in a fair and equitable manner and informed of their employment, legal and procedural rights.
• The alleged victim of the abuse/harm, and where appropriate their relatives, friends or representatives, will at all times be kept as fully informed as possible of what is happening regarding the suspected abuse/harm.
• The investigation will be carried out as quickly as possible and the findings presented to the local safeguarding adults strategy group, which will then decide what further action to take.

Following the enquiry

(See Safeguarding Enquiry/Investigation Form) for guidance on the process and recording involved.

Planning further action

At the end of an incident involving possible or actual abuse/harm, managers should review what has happened with a view to assessing whether the service or its management has been in any way culpable, ineffective or negligent, learning lessons for the way the service should operate in the future, and passing on any appropriate information to other agencies.

If necessary, {{org_field_name}} will review and revise the service’s policies, procedures and training arrangements in response to any material that has emerged from the incident and the investigation. The service might carry this out with advice and guidance from the local authority safeguarding service.

Contacts and sources of assistance

List here the names and contact details of:

Record Keeping

{{org_field_name}} will record all details associated with allegations of abuse/harm are recorded clearly and accurately. The records are kept securely and the service’s rules on confidentiality are carefully followed. Reports are made as required to the CIW and other safeguarding agencies involved.

Referrals to Social Care Wales and the DBS Barred Lists

{{org_field_name}} always complies with its legal requirement to refer a registered care worker, where it has evidence that the staff member in question has been guilty of misconduct by harming or putting at risk of harm a person receiving care or other person at risk from their work, to Social Care Wales for further investigation. The person could then be placed on DBS’s barred lists following the procedures issued by the DBS.


All new staff receive training in recognising abuse/harm and carrying out their responsibilities under this policy as part of their induction programme in line with the All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care and the All Wales Safeguarding Procedures Training Materials.

All staff will receive further training to ensure that they are familiar with the local authority’s safeguarding of adults at risk of harm policies.

Safeguarding leads, service managers and responsible persons will be expected to receive advanced training appropriate to their roles and responsibilities.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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