E: support@e-carehub.co.uk



Volunteers and Internships Policy

Policy Statement

  1. This policy sets out the values, principles and policies underpinning this organisation’s approach to working with volunteers.
  2. The policy applies to anyone who applies and is accepted to work in the organisation or who provides a service to service users in an unpaid capacity. They include specifying the roles, eg reading to blind service users, library, helping in the home’s shop, etc.
  3. Volunteers are subject to a thorough selection process that includes the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks if they are working in regulated activity. They also receive training, supervision and support appropriate to their role.
  4. {{org_field_name}} accepts that volunteers must not do the work of paid staff. (Not all care services accept volunteers and some voluntary contributions are quite specific and do not conflict in any way with paid staff roles.)
  5. {{org_field_name}}’s policy is to work positively and co-operatively with volunteers and to appreciate the help and support that they provide for the organisation and for its service users.
  6. In line with the organisation’s recruitment and induction procedures for all of its workers, volunteers are thoroughly screened prior to beginning their voluntary work and given adequate health and safety guidance and training appropriate to the tasks that they fulfil.


  1. All potential volunteers must complete an application form. They must provide two references to verify their good character and suitability, and if they are working in regulated activity, obtain a criminal records check with a barred list check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
  2. Applicants must attend for interview with the manager or representative and provide a health check. They are then provided with a short job description that specifies their role and tasks.
  3. The organisation provides all volunteers with an induction training suitable for their volunteering role.
  4. The induction training includes guidance on the organisation’s policies in relation to protection of service users from abuse, whistleblowing, confidentiality of information and access to records as well as covering essential health and safety procedures.
  5. Volunteers are given clear written guidance on their role and of the tasks they are expected to carry out and those that they should not carry out. The manager is responsible for ensuring that volunteers undertake tasks appropriate to their job description.
  6. Every volunteer is allocated a competent and trained staff member to provide support and supervision and to whom the volunteer can turn to for advice and guidance. Volunteers are encouraged to check with their supervisor or manager on duty before taking on work that they are not confident about.
  7. {{org_field_name}} makes clear what is expected from the supervisory relationship, which includes regular opportunities to sit down and talk with the volunteer about how they are getting on, about problems encountered and about plans for the future.
  8. Where the volunteer experiences any difficulties in their work, they should talk in the first place to their designated staff member and then to the manager if the matter cannot be resolved in that way.
  9. The manager regularly reviews all voluntary roles and contributions with the people involved including service users, which could result in changes to the role being made.


Staff responsible for the recruitment, training, management and co-ordination of the service’s volunteers will receive appropriate training to help them carry out their roles competently.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next review date: this policy is reviewed annually (every 12 months). When needed, this policy is also updated in response to changes in legislation, regulation, best practices, or organisational changes.

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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