

Moving On from a Care Home (Scotland) Policy

Policy Statement

This policy sets out the values, principles and procedures underpinning {{org_field_name}}’s approach to helping people move on from the home following the receiving or giving of notice to leave. It applies to users of all premises-based services.

It is recognised that most people using a premises-based service will leave in a planned way, though there might be instances of their leaving at short or no notice.

The key aim of the moving on policy is to make sure that every person who leaves can do so in a dignified way and that their safety and care is ensured during the process.

The policy is written in line with the national health and social care standards set out in My Support, My Life, particularly Standard 4: “I have confidence in the organisation providing my care and support”, which includes under 4.13, “I have enough time and support to plan any move to a new service”.

It also reflects the Competition and Markets Authority UK guidance on consumer law (2018) and it helps answer Care inspectorate key questions about the running of the service as reflected in its quality frameworks, eg:

“How well do we support people’s wellbeing?

“Are people getting the right service for them?

“How well is our care and support planned?”.

{{org_field_name}} follows the principle that every person who leaves the home for other accommodation should do so as part of a planned process of care. The person should be supported through the process so that the move to a new home or environment is made as easily and safely as possible.

Wherever possible, the home will work to ensure that moving on from the home is planned well in advance so that proper continuity of care can be established, and so that individuals can have the maximum independence, autonomy and control over their arrangements.

A planned move requires the agreement between the person using the services, their care team, their relatives/carers and the home, which considers and addresses the rights and responsibilities of all those concerned in the leaving process.

Essential to this agreement are:

The home will also ensure that it arranges the settlement of outstanding fees and charges to be made in line with its contractual agreements with the person using services and its obligations to treat them fairly in line with consumer law.

Involvement of People Using the Service

The home involves the people receiving their care to move on in line with My Support, My Life, Standard 2.20: “If I need or want to move on and start using another service, I will be fully involved in this decision and properly supported throughout this change”.

The home involves people who are due to leave the home as fully as possible in the arrangements and processes of leaving by:


When moving on is envisaged or agreed, the home will follow the process outlined as follows.

  1. The home will develop a moving-on plan with the person receiving care and other key people involved.
  2. The plan will:
    a. clearly state the reasons for the person leaving the current home
    b. specify the care and support with the resources needed by the person in their new situation
    c. summarise the services that have already been provided
    d. evaluate the experiences and achievement of the goals and objectives of the person using services so far
    e. provide opportunities to visit or get to know the new situation
    f. discuss any risks involved with the person and others involved including any new provider.
  3. The moving-on plan will be developed and explained to the person in a language or manner that they understand.
  4. All details and information will be entered into the person’s care and support plan.
  5. A leaving date will be set with the person and the new provider (where applicable).
  6. A manager or appropriate staff member, eg key worker, will discuss with the person their experiences of living in the current home and (where appropriate and applicable) asking them (and others involved with the person) to complete the home’s evaluation/satisfaction questionnaire before they leave.
  7. All relevant information and documentation will be passed on to the new provider (where applicable) as quickly as possible.
  8. All information passed on will be up to date, complete and accurate and has the consent of the person receiving care to be passed on.
  9. Arrangements will be made to settle outstanding fees and charges in line with {{org_field_name}}’s contractual agreements with the person and its obligations to treat them fairly in line with consumer law.

Where a person is moving to relatives or carers or some form of independent accommodation, the above procedures will still be followed as far as is reasonably practical.

Self-discharge at Short Notice

Similarly, where a person decides to leave at short notice or a decision is taken for that person to leave at short notice, every effort will be made to make sure that all relevant information is communicated as quickly as possible to the new situation.

In the event of a person demanding to be discharged at short notice, {{org_field_name}} will do the following.

In the event of a person who seeks to leave and about whom there are concerns regarding their safety or to the safety of others, the home will immediately alert the social worker or people responsible for the person’s safety and wellbeing to discuss and decide actions that can be legitimately taken.

Protection Issues

{{org_field_name}} recognises that a person’s moving-on plan needs to include assessments of risks to their safety and how he or she should be protected from risks of abuse and exploitation, particularly the safeguarding of their personal finances and possessions.

The individual, their family members, carers and support workers are all provided with information about the local area’s adult protection unit and work, including contact details.

The advice of the local adult protection team will be sought to determine the course of action, which is seen to serve the person’s interests and to protect their rights.


All staff who help with a person’s leaving arrangements receive training and supervision appropriate to their roles and responsibilities so that people have positive experiences when “moving on”.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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