Commissioning and Contracting Policy
Policy Statement
This care service is fully committed to playing an active part in the process of commissioning its services and has established and wishes to maintain good relationships with its commissioners.
Policy on Commissioning
To advance the best possible practice in the commissioning of our services, we will:
- establish and maintain good relationships with any public sector organisation that needs to commission services from us, particularly local authorities and health service commissioning groups, and we will be able to assure them that we can provide good monetary and social value
- seek involvement in the assessment of the future needs of those receiving care and in the planning of services to ensure that we keep abreast with changing needs for care and support services
- offer the best possible response in terms of social value and value for money
- make our side of the commissioning process as open and transparent as is compatible with commercial considerations
- recognise that commissioning should be based on a human rights, non-discriminatory approach to delivering services
- behave as a business in ways that are honest and transparent throughout the commissioning process
- learn how to navigate the electronic systems used for completing tenders
- provide all the necessary information included in any tender documents and subsequent framework agreements
- meet all the quality standards set by commissioners in line with the standards set by our care regulator
- promote innovative models of care, particularly those that help to integrate health and social care into a unified approach
- consider how new digital technologies will help us to improve the outcomes for people who use our services and our service delivery
- prepare any specific policies and procedures required from the framework agreement, such as safeguarding, business planning and business continuity measures
- work collaboratively with other parties where there are shared interests and benefits
- retain and develop our contacts with individuals and families seeking to purchase services directly from us as self-funders or as the holders of any form of personal budget
- provide reliable information to the commissioning authority as requested that will help it with its service reviewing and planning
- recognise the partnership relations between local service commissioners and the national care regulators.
All relevant staff are given opportunities for training in aspects of commissioning and tendering appropriate to their roles.
We expect our care managers involved in commissioning and contracting to meet the relevant competence requirements for the Level 5 Leadership and Management Qualification.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
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