Heating, Lighting, Water and Ventilation in Care Homes (Wales) Policy
Policy Statement
The home’s policies and procedures on the design, use and maintenance of its heating, lighting, water and ventilation facilities are produced in line with Regulation 48: Facilities and Equipment and Regulation 57: Health and Safety of the Regulated Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2017 and accompanying statutory guidance.
{{org_field_name}} considers that the people who use its services should expect their quality of life to be enhanced by the provision of a safe, well-maintained and comfortable environment. The home believes that every resident has the right to live their life with privacy, dignity, independence and choice and that the quality of the home environment is a key factor in this regard.
Services Policy
Throughout {{org_field_name}} the heating, lighting, water supply and ventilation meet all relevant environmental health and safety requirements and are designed and run to meet the needs of people who use care services. In particular the following key aspects are taken into account.
- The heating, lighting, water supply and ventilation of people who use services’ accommodation will be designed to meet the relevant care standards and buildings regulations as well as relevant environmental health and safety requirements.
- A programme of routine maintenance and renewal of the fabric and decoration of the premises (including services) will be implemented with records kept.
- Staff are responsible for reporting any defects or failures of equipment or services immediately and for taking appropriate action in the event that the failure or defect constitutes a hazard or a danger to residents, staff or visitors.
- Buildings will comply with the requirements of local fire services and will be subject to regular fire risk assessment.
- Rooms will be individually and naturally ventilated with windows conforming to recognised standards.
- All windows will be maintained in good repair, draught free and capable of opening.
- Windows and transparent or translucent areas in doors, gates, walls and partitions will be marked and made of a safety material or toughened safety glass conforming to BS 6262.
- All residents will be assessed for risk of falling and appropriate action taken to ensure that risks from falling from windows are controlled, eg by the use of window limiters.
- Windows which are sufficiently large and at a height that may pose a risk will be restricted to a maximum opening of 100mm by the use of window limiters.
- In new builds and extensions, the height of the window in a person’s room will be designed to enable them to see out of it when seated or in bed.
- Residential and communal rooms will be centrally heated.
- The central heating system will be properly maintained and serviced.
- Residents’ rooms and communal areas will be regularly monitored to ensure that they maintain an acceptable minimum temperature of at least 21°C.
- Corridors, staircases, etc will be regularly monitored to ensure that they maintain an acceptable minimum temperature (at least 16°C).
- Thermostats and thermostatic radiator valves will be fitted so that individual residents will be able to adjust and control the level of heating in their own rooms.
- All residents will be assessed for risk of scalds and appropriate action taken to ensure that risks from scalding by coming into contact with hot water, pipes or radiators are controlled, for example, by the use of guards.
- All pipework and radiators will be guarded or have guaranteed low temperature surfaces.
- All lighting in residents’ rooms will meet recognised standards, will be domestic in character and will contain table-level lamp lighting.
- All lighting in communal areas will meet recognised standards, will be domestic in character and will be sufficiently bright and positioned to facilitate reading and other activities.
- Emergency lighting will be provided throughout the home.
- Hot water will be stored at a temperature of at least 60°C and distributed at 50°C minimum in line with Health and Safety Executive recommendations for the prevention of legionella.
- To prevent risks from scalding, pre-set valves of a type unaffected by changes in water pressure and which have fail-safe devices will be fitted in all residents’ rooms and bathrooms and toilets to which residents have access to provide water no hotter than 44°C.
- Hot water outlets that are not temperature-limited will only ever be used in areas which are inaccessible to residents and will be clearly labelled with appropriate warning notices.
- A programme of routine checking, maintenance and renewal of pre-set water mixer valves is in place.
All temperatures, thermostats and fittings are regularly checked and inspected by responsible staff and appropriate records kept. Plumbing, boilers, radiators, pipework and central heating systems are regularly serviced by a qualified plumbing and heating engineer. The contractor who has an annual service agreement with the home and who should be contacted in case of emergencies is: ________________________________
All electrical fittings, lighting and appliances are checked by a qualified electrician prior to use in the home. The electrician who has an annual service agreement with the home and who should be contacted to check appliances and in case of emergencies is: ________________________________
All new staff are trained in the home’s policies and procedures regarding the design, purpose and use of the home’s heating, lighting, water and ventilation facilities in line with Social Care Wales: All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care.
Staff with specific health and safety responsibilities receive the relevant training to carry out their duties effectively.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
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