

Personal and Sexual Relationships in Domiciliary Support (Wales) Policy

Policy Statement

The policy reflects the values and principles of respecting diversity, equality, human rights and non-discrimination in line with current legislation such as the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010. No person is excluded from the policy on the grounds of any gender or transgender, disability or sexual orientation. The policy will apply in particular to supported living situations where people might be receiving constant or continuous care and support.

This policy is in line with Regulation 21: Standards of Care and Support — Overarching Requirements of the Regulated Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2017 and accompanying statutory guidance, which stresses that service providers should:

People using the service have the right — often denied to older people and people with disabilities — to develop and maintain intimate personal and sexual relationships and to engage in sexual activity that is within the law and does not cause significant offence to others.

The presence of care staff in the homes of people using the service and their performing intimate care tasks may threaten the privacy on which this right depends. It also believes that its care practice should support the operation of rights associated with sexuality, and that where appropriate information and guidance should be available if needed to help people using the service remain safe and healthy, enjoy pleasurable experiences and take appropriate decisions for themselves in this area of their lives.

The policy assumes that people are able to form relationships on the basis of choice and consent. People who lack the mental capacity to take such decisions freely may need to receive guidance in line with best interest assessments and decisions. Anyone who is thought to be vulnerable to sexual exploitation or abuse will be treated in line with the organisation’s safeguarding policy and any perpetration of abuse will be similarly addressed.

Implementing the Policy

We aim to ensure the following (though this is not an exhaustive list).

People using the service and their relatives, friends and representatives will be fully informed about the contents of this policy as required and are provided with appropriate support and guidance if they seek it.

Sexual relationships between staff currently employed by the organisation and people using the service are not allowed. Staff found to be involved will be subject to disciplinary procedures and the situation will be addressed under safeguarding of vulnerable adults from abuse policies and procedures.


Further advice on matters relating to sexuality is available to people using the service from GPs and from the following organisations:

[Where appropriate, list or attach contact details for local agencies such as sexually transmitted diseases clinics, marriage guidance, specialist nurses, advocacy services and relevant voluntary organisations.]


All staff are trained to be aware about sexuality issues and that sexuality can be expressed in different ways.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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