

Quality Assurance and Improvement (Wales) Policy


It has been long recognised as good commercial practice for businesses to check that their goods and services meet customer expectations and comply with industry standards.

Quality assurance is also an industry with organisations set up to assess if a business is meeting the standards expected of them and accrediting them if they do. Being awarded a benchmark or kitemark, the business can then show that it is providing quality, which should help it commercially.

In health and social care, the relevant regulators assure quality by inspecting a registered service against the relevant standards and regulations. Local service commissioners will also check that services under contract to them are achieving their quality standards and are providing value for the public monies that they are investing in them. If services are not meeting the required standards, they will be expected to make the necessary improvements and will be penalised if they fail to do so.

All forms of quality assurance require systems and processes for checking that the organisation is working correctly and effectively to achieve its goals and to take corrective actions if it is not.

Through the information obtained from the various management activities involved in monitoring, reviewing and auditing, the organisation can judge its own performance. The information will also feed into the information base of any outside assessors (inspectors or local authority quality standards sections) and contribute to their respective assessments.

This policy can apply to any adult care service registered under the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 with the Care Inspectorate Wales.

Aim of Policy

This policy outlines the service provider’s approach to assuring the quality of its services in line with national and local standards. The policy should be used with the policy on Complaints and Compliments (Wales).

Service providers are expected to work continuously to meet the requirements of the Regulated Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2017 and accompanying statutory guidance.

Key regulations are:

Local authorities (LAs), independently and in partnership with NHS Wales trusts also commission services in line with the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. Care providers are expected to align their policies to meet commissioning and registration standards.

The service standards require providers to ensure that they are achieving the sought outcomes for the people who use their services by having well-defined systems and procedures for monitoring and reviewing their care provision and the organisational supports required for measuring effective and efficient service delivery, particularly staffing. Local service commissioners will usually ensure that their quality standards and quality assurance methods are compatible with the national service standards.

Policy Statement

The service thinks that having the highest quality care is an absolute right of every individual. The continuing aim is to provide a professional and efficient service to meet everyone’s needs and requirements and to achieve satisfactory outcomes for each person. The long-term goal is to obtain the highest possible level of satisfaction from people who use services and relatives.

Everyone receiving a service should:

This care provider places a strong emphasis on providing the highest quality service possible for all of the people who use its services. However, it also thinks that, no matter how good its present services, there is always room for improvement.

The service will always continue to work towards maintaining those high standards that have been achieved. It will continue to work to improve those standards where there is scope for further improvement.

The service expects all care staff and other employees to be committed to delivering a quality service and to improving in every aspect of their work.

[To reflect its commitment to the continuous improvement of its services, the service has been awarded (or is working towards) the (eg Investors in People) quality assurance accreditation. This award gives formal recognition of the quality of care given to the people who use our services]. [Include this point as and where applicable.]

Procedures (adapt as appropriate)

Auditing Procedures


To provide a quality service, the provider requires high-quality staff who are suitably trained, supervised and supported. The service carries out the following activities.

  1. As part of its induction programme, all new staff receive training in this policy. They receive a copy of the quality policy and procedures, and are expected to read, understand and apply them. They can expect to update their training on quality matters as part of their further development and training programme.
  2. {{org_field_name}} is committed to providing its staff with as many opportunities as possible for training to improve the quality of its service.
  3. The provider has strategies to meet its registration requirements for staff qualifications and training.

The management team undertake to ensure through instruction, practical example supervision and training that quality is the aim of all members of staff and that each employee has a proper understanding of the importance of the quality system and its direct relevance to the success of the business.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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