

Reducing Safety Risks from Asbestos Policy

Policy Statement

The organisation acknowledges the health hazards arising from exposure to asbestos and will protect employees and other persons potentially exposed as far as is reasonably practicable. This will be achieved by minimising exposure through the management of asbestos-containing materials in the workplace premises.

Everyone who needs to know about the presence of asbestos will be alerted. No one will be allowed to start work that could disturb asbestos unless the correct procedures are to be employed.

This policy requires the full co-operation of management and staff at all levels. The person responsible for the implementation of this policy is ____________.

Arrangements for Managing Asbestos in the Workplace Premises

Asbestos-containing materials within the premises will be managed to prevent the release of asbestos fibres into the air that can be inhaled by employees and others who may be present in the workplace.


The premises will be surveyed to determine whether asbestos-containing materials are present. It will be presumed that materials contain asbestos unless there is strong evidence to the contrary.

The amount and condition of the asbestos-containing material will be assessed and measures will be identified to ensure that airborne asbestos fibres are not present or formed in the workplace.

A Written Plan

A written plan that sets out the location of the asbestos-containing material and how the risk from this material will be managed will be prepared, and steps will be taken to put the plan into action. The plan and the arrangements will be reviewed at six-month intervals, or when there has been a significant change to the organisation or personnel.

Control of Access to Asbestos-containing Materials

Access to asbestos-containing materials in the premises will be controlled to prevent inadvertent disturbance of the material and the release of asbestos fibres. A plan or register showing the location of all asbestos-containing materials and presumed asbestos-containing materials will be made available.

Systems will be put in place to ensure that anyone liable to disturb asbestos-containing materials is made aware of their location.

Monitoring and Maintenance

The condition of all asbestos-containing materials or materials suspected of containing asbestos will be inspected at agreed intervals to ascertain that there has been no damage or deterioration. Where damage or deterioration is found the asbestos-containing material will be reassessed and repaired or removed as appropriate.

Asbestos-related Emergencies

Procedures to deal with asbestos-related incidents will be in place (including the provision of information and warning systems), unless there is only a slight risk to the health of employees.

Arrangements for Controlling Work on Asbestos in the Workplace Premises

Any work on, or removal of, asbestos-containing materials will be controlled to ensure that adequate precautions are taken to prevent the release of asbestos fibres.

Work with asbestos and asbestos-containing materials is to be carried out by a licensed contractor (licensed by the HSE) unless the work is exempted from the requirement for licensing.

Selection and Control of Contractors to Work on Asbestos-containing Materials

When contractors are engaged to work on the premises, adequate steps will be taken to ensure the contractors are competent and have sufficient skills and knowledge to do the job safely and without risks to health.

Only contractors licensed by the HSE will be used for the removal of asbestos-containing materials, unless the work involves the removal of materials in which:

Contractors hired to carry out building or allied trade work that will involve minor work with asbestos must comply with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006.

Procedures for Dealing with Health and Safety Issues

Where an employee raises a health and safety problem related to work with asbestos, the organisation will:

  1. take all necessary steps to investigate the circumstances
  2. take corrective measures where appropriate
  3. advise the employee of actions taken.

Where a problem arises relating to the condition of asbestos-containing material on the premises or during work with an asbestos-containing material, the employee must:

  1. inform a responsible person, usually a supervisor or manager, immediately
  2. in the case of an accident or emergency, respond quickly to ensure effective treatment.

Safe System of Work

Asbestos is hazardous to employees and others if asbestos fibres are inhaled. The formation of airborne asbestos fibres can be prevented if asbestos-containing materials in the premises are maintained in good condition and not damaged. This can be achieved if employees:

  1. do not carry out any work (even small jobs such as installing computers or shelving) on the fabric of the premises without consulting the nominated person
  2. do not work on asbestos-containing materials without carrying out an assessment of the risk
  3. follow the written plan at work
  4. report any damage to, or deterioration of, asbestos-containing materials and any incidents that occur during work with asbestos.

Summary Policy Statement

Asbestos is hazardous in the form of airborne fibres, but employees will not be affected by it if they do not disturb asbestos-containing materials. Employees can prevent inadvertent exposure to asbestos if they:

  1. consult the nominated person before carrying out any work that might disturb asbestos-containing material in any part of the building
  2. follow the written plan and use the control measures that are in place when carrying out any work that will disturb asbestos
  3. report any damage to, or deterioration of, any asbestos-containing material.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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