

Responding to the Experiences of People Who Use the Service (Wales) Policy

Policy Statement

This policy, which can be adopted by care homes or domiciliary support, sets out the values, principles and procedures underpinning {{org_field_name}}’s approach to communicating with people who use the service, learning from their experiences and views about the service and using their feedback to improve service quality.

It is in line with the Regulated Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2017, particularly Regulations 76: Engagement with Individuals and Others and 80: Quality of Care Review.

Care provision can be enhanced by listening attentively to what its individuals have to communicate about the quality of the care and support they receive and by acting on that information. To this end, we have a variety of arrangements for individual feedback to which we pay diligent attention in line with the relevant regulations and best practice guidance.

Listening to People Who Use the Service

We will take every possible opportunity to enable the people who use the service to express views about the care and support we provide and will act on the comments we receive to improve the service, in particular by:

Feedback from people who use the services’ friends, relatives and other representatives

We value feedback from people’s friends, relatives and other representatives as providing an important route to understanding the views of individuals themselves. This is done through continuous checking with the people who use the service, and others who are involved in their care, and the use of regular satisfaction surveys. In particular, we will:

Everyone involved in the service is encouraged to communicate their thoughts about the service in whatever way they can or choose — face to face, telephone, letter, or email and in the Welsh or English language in line with their preference.

The service will also ensure that anyone with communication difficulties resulting from sensory loss or other disabilities and impairments have the facilities and means to give their views like anyone else, including with advocacy support.

Formal gathering of feedback

We will take specific steps to gather the views of people who use the service, and others who represent their view, by:

Concerns and complaints

We will use formal complaints and investigations to gather information about the quality of the service, in particular by:

We will pay particular attention to any views on the quality of care expressed by people who use the service that are communicated to the CIW.

Adverse events or incidents

We aim to learn from adverse events, incidents, errors and near misses, in particular by:

Duty of candour

In the event of any adverse event or situation in which people who use the service have suffered moderate or severe harm as a result of mistakes we have made and about which we have notified the CIW, the service must comply with its duty of candour.

We will exercise our duty of candour by:

Compliments and suggestions

We welcome compliments and suggestions from people who use the service, their families and friends and other stakeholders of {{org_field_name}}. Compliments may communicate deep satisfaction and gratitude for a specific contribution or service or relate to specific aspects of the work or to individual staff. Such comments are often made to care workers, but in some cases, such as following the death of a loved one, people may not feel able to speak directly to the care workers. The manager will ensure that such messages are passed on to those involved since this is a powerful way of confirming good practice and boosting staff morale.

We have a compliments and suggestions book/box/facility on our website where individuals may write or send comments and ideas about improvements to be made to the service.

Reports from Other Agencies

We respond quickly to views on the quality of care expressed by people who use the service that are communicated to the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) or to a local authority/health service commissioner.


All staff are trained to be responsive to the experiences and views of the people using the service.

Staff involved in quality assurance procedures are expected to have specialised training to carry out their roles as part of their ongoing training. This could form part of their qualification programmes and corresponding management training.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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