Registration Number: {{org_field_registration_no}}
Compliance with the Care Act 2014 Policy
1. Purpose
This policy sets out how {{org_field_name}} complies with the Care Act 2014 to ensure that the people we support receive high-quality, person-centred care that upholds their rights, dignity, and independence. It outlines how we implement the Act’s principles in our daily operations, ensuring legal compliance and best practice in adult social care. This policy also aligns with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, supporting compliance with Care Quality Commission (CQC) requirements.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, and contractors working within {{org_field_name}} who provide or manage care services to adults with support needs. It outlines their responsibilities in ensuring that the care provided is legally compliant, effective, and tailored to individual needs.
3. Key Principles of the Care Act 2014
{{org_field_name}} ensures that all care and support delivered aligns with the following fundamental principles of the Care Act 2014:
a. Promoting Well-Being
- The well-being of the people we support is at the core of our services. Well-being encompasses personal dignity, autonomy, physical and mental health, emotional well-being, economic security, and social inclusion.
- Our staff are trained to recognise and uphold these elements of well-being in every aspect of care provision.
- We ensure that people we support have full access to information regarding their care and can make informed decisions about their support plans.
- Staff actively promote opportunities for meaningful activities, community participation, and personal growth.
b. Prevention of Needs for Care and Support
- Preventative care is embedded in our service model to reduce, delay, or prevent the development of care needs.
- We use early intervention strategies, including health promotion, community engagement, and proactive care planning, to maintain independence and avoid unnecessary reliance on long-term care.
- Our team members receive ongoing training to identify early signs of declining health and implement appropriate support measures.
- We work closely with local authorities, health professionals, and community services to develop preventive care strategies tailored to each individual.
c. Person-Centred Care and Support Planning
- Every person we support undergoes a comprehensive, collaborative needs assessment that includes input from family members, carers, and advocates where appropriate.
- We tailor all care plans to individual needs, preferences, and aspirations, ensuring that their voice is central in decision-making.
- Regular care plan reviews ensure evolving needs are met, and adjustments are made in a timely manner.
- We ensure that care and treatment choices are clearly communicated and that people we support understand their options fully.
- Staff are trained in active listening, communication techniques, and advocacy support to enhance person-centred approaches.
d. Integration and Partnership Working
- {{org_field_name}} actively collaborates with NHS services, local authorities, housing providers, advocacy groups, and community organisations to ensure a holistic and coordinated approach to care.
- We work within multi-disciplinary teams to develop and implement integrated support plans, ensuring smooth transitions between services.
- Our partnership approach ensures that people receive appropriate care at the right time, minimising disruptions and improving outcomes.
e. Safeguarding Adults from Abuse and Neglect
- Safeguarding is a core element of our service. We have a robust Safeguarding Policy in place that provides clear guidance on how to prevent, identify, and report abuse.
- Our staff are trained to recognise all forms of abuse, including physical, emotional, financial, sexual, neglect, and discriminatory abuse.
- Any safeguarding concerns are reported immediately following our safeguarding protocols, with appropriate referrals made to local safeguarding teams.
- We conduct risk assessments and implement safeguarding plans to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of those in our care.
- We maintain clear records of safeguarding incidents, investigations, and actions taken to demonstrate accountability and compliance.
f. Eligibility, Fairness, and Transparency
- We apply the Care Act 2014 eligibility criteria fairly to ensure that access to services is transparent and based on assessed need.
- Individuals are provided with clear, accessible information about their rights, service options, and the appeals process.
- Our approach ensures equity and non-discriminatory practices in care provision.
- Staff are trained in assessment procedures and eligibility criteria to ensure consistency in service allocation.
g. Carers’ Rights and Support
- Recognising the critical role that carers play, we provide support services tailored to their needs, including respite care, emotional support, and access to resources.
- We actively involve carers in care planning and review processes, ensuring that their views and needs are considered.
- Carers are provided with training and information to enhance their ability to provide support effectively while maintaining their own well-being.
h. Complaints, Feedback, and Continuous Improvement
- We maintain an open and transparent complaints procedure that allows individuals to raise concerns without fear of discrimination or retaliation.
- All complaints are investigated thoroughly and used as learning opportunities to improve our services.
- We encourage regular feedback through surveys, service user meetings, and family engagement initiatives.
- Findings from complaints and feedback are reviewed at management level and used to inform service improvements and staff training.
- We ensure that all service improvements are communicated to the people we support and their families, reinforcing our commitment to continuous development.
4. Roles and Responsibilities
- Registered Manager: Responsible for overall compliance with this policy and ensuring CQC standards are upheld.
- All Staff: Expected to apply the principles of the Care Act 2014 in their daily practice, attend required training, and adhere to safeguarding protocols.
- Safeguarding Lead: Oversees safeguarding procedures and ensures that any concerns are managed appropriately.
- Carers and Advocates: Integral to care planning and decision-making processes, ensuring the voices of those we support are heard and respected.
5. Related Policies
This policy should be read in conjunction with:
- SL07 – Person-Centred Care Policy
- SL08 – Dignity and Respect Policy
- SL09 – Consent to Care Policy
- SL13 – Safeguarding Adults from Abuse and Improper Treatment Policy
- SL16 – Health and Safety at Work Policy
- SL30 – Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy
- SL42 – Communication and Engagement with Service Users and Families Policy
6. Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually or sooner if legislative changes, CQC requirements, or organisational needs necessitate an update. Any revisions will be communicated to all staff, ensuring continued compliance and best practice in line with the Care Act 2014.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
Copyright © {{current_year}} – {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved.