Registration Number: {{org_field_registration_no}}
Staff Conduct and Code of Ethics Policy
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to set out clear expectations for the professional conduct, ethical behaviour, and responsibilities of all staff within {{org_field_name}}. This policy ensures compliance with CQC’s Fundamental Standards, the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, and relevant professional codes of conduct. It is designed to promote dignity, respect, integrity, and high-quality care in all interactions with the people we support, colleagues, and external stakeholders.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, contractors, and agency staff working within {{org_field_name}}, regardless of role or seniority. It outlines the principles of ethical behaviour and professional conduct expected in all aspects of service delivery.
3. Principles of Staff Conduct and Ethics
{{org_field_name}} is committed to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct, ensuring that all staff uphold the following core principles:
Dignity and Respect
- Staff must treat all individuals with dignity, kindness, and respect, promoting their independence and rights.
- Discrimination, harassment, or any form of degrading treatment will not be tolerated.
- Staff must adhere to Regulation 10 (Dignity and Respect), ensuring that care is delivered in a compassionate and person-centred manner.
Integrity and Honesty
- Staff must act with honesty, transparency, and fairness in all aspects of their work.
- Any conflicts of interest must be declared to management immediately.
- Staff must not accept gifts or inducements from individuals receiving care or their families, in line with our Gifts and Hospitality Policy.
Confidentiality and Data Protection
- Staff must uphold Regulation 17 (Good Governance) by ensuring that all personal and sensitive information is handled securely and in compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
- Confidential information must not be shared inappropriately and should only be disclosed when required by law or for safeguarding purposes.
- All records must be stored securely, with access restricted to authorised personnel.
Safeguarding and Duty of Care
- Staff have a legal and moral duty to protect individuals from harm, abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
- Any safeguarding concerns must be reported immediately to the Safeguarding Lead, in line with Regulation 13 (Safeguarding Service Users from Abuse and Improper Treatment).
- Staff must complete mandatory safeguarding training and be aware of the reporting procedures for concerns.
Professionalism and Accountability
- Staff are expected to maintain a high level of professional behaviour, including punctuality, adherence to uniform and dress codes, and appropriate communication.
- All care and support provided must be within the individual’s agreed care plan and in accordance with Regulation 9 (Person-Centred Care).
- Staff must take personal responsibility for their actions and decisions, acknowledging errors and seeking guidance when needed.
Teamwork and Collaboration
- Staff must work cooperatively and respectfully with colleagues, external agencies, and families to provide a seamless and high-quality service.
- Effective communication and shared decision-making are encouraged to enhance care outcomes.
- Staff must support a positive workplace culture, addressing concerns constructively and avoiding gossip or workplace conflict.
Adherence to Policies and Procedures
- Staff must follow all organisational policies, procedures, and CQC regulations related to health and safety, medication management, and service delivery.
- Any policy breaches or misconduct will be addressed through disciplinary action, in line with the Disciplinary Policy.
- Staff must actively participate in regular training and professional development to maintain competency in their roles.
Whistleblowing and Reporting Concerns
- Staff are encouraged to speak up about any concerns relating to unsafe practice, misconduct, or breaches of ethical standards.
- Reports can be made confidentially under the Whistleblowing Policy, ensuring protection against victimisation.
- Any concerns raised will be investigated promptly, and necessary action taken to address them.
Commitment to Continuous Improvement
- Staff must actively contribute to a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that services evolve in response to feedback, regulatory updates, and best practices.
- Constructive feedback from individuals we support, families, and team members should be welcomed and used to enhance service delivery.
- Any identified learning from incidents, audits, or reviews should be incorporated into ongoing training and policy updates.
4. Roles and Responsibilities
- Registered Manager: Ensures that all staff adhere to professional conduct and ethical guidelines, taking necessary action in cases of non-compliance. Staff can contact the Registered Manager, {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}, via email at {{org_field_registered_manager_email}} or by phone at {{org_field_registered_manager_phone}}.
- Safeguarding Lead: Oversees all safeguarding concerns and ensures that all reports are handled according to legal and organisational requirements. Staff can contact the Safeguarding Lead, {{org_field_safeguarding_lead_name}}, via email at {{org_field_safeguarding_lead_email}} or by phone at {{org_field_safeguarding_lead_phone}}.
- All Staff: Expected to maintain high professional and ethical standards at all times, completing relevant training and reporting concerns appropriately.
- Compliance Officer: Monitors adherence to CQC regulations and ensures staff are aware of their responsibilities under this policy.
5. Related Policies
This policy should be read in conjunction with:
- SL07 – Person-Centred Care Policy
- SL08 – Dignity and Respect Policy
- SL13 – Safeguarding Adults from Abuse and Improper Treatment Policy
- SL16 – Health and Safety at Work Policy
- SL20 – Duty of Candour Policy
- SL28 – Whistleblowing Policy
- SL32 – Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy
6. Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually or sooner if legislative changes, CQC requirements, or organisational needs necessitate an update. All staff will be informed of updates to ensure continued compliance and adherence to professional and ethical standards.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
Copyright © {{current_year}} – {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved.