Registration Number: {{org_field_registration_no}}
Assisting Service Users with Medication Policy
Related Policies
“Medication Management and Administration Policy”
1. Purpose
At {{org_field_name}}, we are committed to ensuring that all service users receive the right medication, at the right time, and in the right way. This policy provides clear guidelines for our staff on how to assist service users with medication safely, legally, and in line with best practices.
The objectives of this policy are to:
- Ensure compliance with the Health and Social Care Act 2008, CQC Regulations, and NICE Guidelines.
- Support service users in maintaining independence while ensuring their safety when taking medication.
- Define staff roles and responsibilities in the safe handling and administration of medication.
- Prevent medication errors through clear procedures and training.
- Establish robust record-keeping and reporting systems.
2. Scope
This policy applies to:
- All care staff who support service users with their medication.
- All service users who require assistance with medication as part of their care plan.
- Managers and supervisors responsible for ensuring medication safety and compliance.
- Relatives, healthcare professionals, and external agencies involved in the service user’s care.
3. Legal and Regulatory Framework
This policy is based on the following legislation and guidelines:
- Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014
- Regulation 9: Person-Centred Care
- Regulation 12: Safe Care and Treatment
- Regulation 17: Good Governance
- Regulation 13: Safeguarding from Abuse and Improper Treatment
- The Medicines Act 1968
- The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
- The Mental Capacity Act 2005
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines on medication management
- CQC’s Fundamental Standards
4. Levels of Medication Support
Staff must provide medication support only as specified in the service user’s care plan. Support is categorised into three levels:
4.1. Prompting Service Users
- Suitable for service users who can take their medication independently but need reminders.
- Staff must not physically handle medication but can verbally remind service users.
- Staff must check that the medication has been taken and record it appropriately.
4.2. Assisting with Medication
- Suitable for service users who can take medication but need help with tasks such as opening packaging or preparing doses.
- Staff can pass medication to the service user but must not administer it directly.
- The service user must take the medication themselves whenever possible.
4.3. Administering Medication
- Suitable for service users who cannot take medication independently and require full support.
- Only trained and authorised staff can administer medication.
- Staff must follow safe administration procedures and record all actions.
- For controlled drugs, staff must follow additional security and recording protocols.
5. Process for Assisting Service Users with Medication
5.1. Before Administering Medication
- Check the care plan and Medication Administration Record (MAR) chart for instructions.
- Ensure the medication name, dosage, time, and method match the prescription.
- Wash hands and ensure a clean and quiet environment.
- Confirm with the service user that they consent to take their medication.
- Check for any changes, allergies, or contraindications before proceeding.
5.2. Administering Medication
- Follow the “6 Rights” of Medication Administration:
- Right Person – Confirm the service user’s identity.
- Right Medication – Check the medication label matches the MAR chart.
- Right Dose – Administer the correct amount.
- Right Time – Ensure medication is given at the prescribed time.
- Right Route – Follow the correct method (e.g., oral, topical, inhalation).
- Right Documentation – Record all actions on the MAR chart.
- Observe the service user taking the medication to confirm it has been swallowed (if applicable).
- Record the medication given, including any refusals or issues.
- Report any concerns, side effects, or missed doses to management immediately.
5.3. After Administering Medication
- Dispose of any packaging safely and ensure proper hygiene.
- Observe the service user for any adverse reactions.
- Maintain accurate record-keeping on the MAR chart.
6. Handling Medication Safely
6.1. Storage of Medication
- Medication must be stored safely and securely in line with the prescription instructions.
- Controlled drugs must be kept in a locked, secure cabinet with restricted access.
6.2. Handling Errors and Incidents
If a medication error occurs, staff must:
- Report it immediately to management.
- Record the error in the incident log and MAR chart.
- Inform the service user, their family (if necessary), and healthcare professionals.
6.3. Disposal of Medication
- Unused or expired medication must be returned to a pharmacy for safe disposal.
- Medication must never be thrown away in general waste.
7. Training and Competency Assessment
- All staff must complete mandatory medication training before assisting service users.
- Regular competency assessments will be conducted by management.
- Staff who are not trained must not assist with medication under any circumstances.
8. Consent and Record-Keeping
- Informed consent must be obtained before providing medication support.
- All medication administration must be recorded on a MAR chart.
- Any changes to medication must be updated in the care plan immediately.
9. Complaints and Concerns
- Service users and their families can raise concerns about medication assistance at any time.
- Complaints will be investigated promptly, and appropriate action will be taken.
Where to complain:
1) Verbally to the Registered Manager or Safeguarding Lead
2) Inform the Registered Manager by email: {{org_field_registered_manager_email}}
3) Call the office and inform the Registered Manager or Safeguarding Lead: {{org_field_phone_no}}
4) Out of hours phone number: {{out_of_hours}}
5) Online via our website: {{org_field_website}}
For more information about how to raise a complaint please visit “Receiving and Acting on Complaints Policy”
10. Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually or sooner if required due to legislative or operational changes.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
Copyright © {{current_year}} – {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved.