Registration Number: {{org_field_registration_no}}
Handling Service User Belongings and Valuables Policy
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the belongings and valuables of people we support are safeguarded, handled with care, and managed efficiently. It aims to maintain trust, security, and transparency while respecting the rights and dignity of individuals. This policy is in line with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulations and best practices to prevent loss, theft, or mismanagement of personal property.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all staff members of {{org_field_name}}, including permanent, temporary, and agency workers, as well as volunteers and any other individuals handling the belongings of the people we support. It covers procedures for storage, handling, recording, and disposal of personal items, ensuring that each person’s property is protected while they reside within our service.
3. Related Policies
- Person-Centred Care Policy (SL07)
- Safeguarding Adults from Abuse and Improper Treatment Policy (SL13)
- Dignity and Respect Policy (SL08)
- Confidentiality and Data Protection (GDPR) Policy (SL34)
- Managing Service User Finances Policy (SL41)
4. Policy Statement
{{org_field_name}} is committed to ensuring that all personal belongings and valuables of the people we support are handled with respect, care, and accountability. We recognise the importance of individual choice and independence in managing personal items while ensuring that adequate safeguards are in place to protect against loss or misappropriation.
5. Principles
- Respect for Individual Rights: The people we support have the right to own and manage their belongings unless a formal risk assessment indicates otherwise.
- Security and Accountability: Personal property will be recorded and stored securely when necessary.
- Transparency: A clear process for documenting, storing, and handling belongings will be in place.
- Safeguarding Measures: Procedures to prevent theft, misuse, or misplacement of items will be strictly followed.
- Person-Centred Approach: Individuals will be supported to manage their own belongings wherever possible.
6. Procedures
6.1 Recording Personal Belongings
- Upon admission, an inventory of belongings will be created with the individual and/or their representative.
- The inventory will be signed by both the individual and a staff member.
- The record will be updated as new items are acquired or removed.
6.2 Handling Valuables
- People we support should be encouraged to manage their own valuables where possible.
- If assistance is required, valuable items (e.g., jewellery, cash, bank cards) will be recorded and securely stored in a locked and monitored facility.
- Individuals must provide written consent if they wish for staff to hold or manage their valuables.
- Access to stored valuables will require dual verification from two staff members.
6.3 Managing Finances
- Financial transactions conducted on behalf of an individual must be documented with receipts and records.
- Expenditures will be logged in a financial transaction record book.
- Any concerns about financial safeguarding must be reported in line with the Safeguarding Policy (SL13).
6.4 Storage and Labelling
- All personal belongings must be clearly labelled where practical.
- A designated secure storage area will be provided for items that cannot be kept in the individual’s living space.
- Medication and medical devices will be managed according to the Medication Management Policy (SL21).
6.5 Loss, Theft, or Damage
- If an item goes missing, it must be reported immediately to a senior staff member.
- An investigation will be conducted following the Incident Reporting Policy (SL24).
- A replacement or reimbursement process may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
6.6 Handling Items of Deceased Individuals
- A full inventory check will be completed upon the death of an individual.
- Family or next of kin will be contacted regarding collection or disposal of items.
- Any unclaimed belongings will be stored for at least six months, after which appropriate steps will be taken for disposal.
7. Staff Responsibilities
- Registered Manager: Ensures policy adherence, investigates concerns, and oversees secure storage systems.
- All Staff: Must follow procedures for handling, recording, and securing personal property.
- Key Workers: Support individuals in managing their belongings and updating records.
8. CQC Compliance
This policy complies with:
- Regulation 9: Person-Centred Care – Ensuring individuals have control over their belongings.
- Regulation 10: Dignity and Respect – Treating personal property with care and respect.
- Regulation 13: Safeguarding Service Users from Abuse and Improper Treatment – Protecting individuals from financial exploitation or theft.
- Regulation 15: Premises and Equipment – Ensuring secure storage facilities are in place.
9. Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually or sooner if legislative changes, CQC regulations, or operational requirements necessitate amendments.
For further guidance, contact {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}, Registered Manager at {{org_field_email}}.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
Copyright © {{current_year}} – {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved.