

Supporting People Who Need Advocacy (Scotland) Policy

This policy sets out the values, principles and procedures underpinning {{org_field_name}}’s approach to the role of advocates and advocacy services. It aims to fulfil the requirements of the Health and Social Care Standards on advocacy described in My Support, My Life and includes:

This policy should be read and used in relation to the policies on Responding to the Experiences of People Receiving Care (Scotland), Concerns and Complaints (Scotland), Quality Monitoring and Management (Scotland)and Support and Protection of Service Users from Harm Overarching (Scotland) Policy.

Policy Statement

{{org_field_name}} recognises that people receiving care should be enabled to express their views as clearly and candidly as they wish as reflected in My Support, My Life. The policy therefore should help people receiving care express their views to both {{org_field_name}} and to other bodies and to feel that their views are understood and respected.

The service recognises that some people receiving care may not be able to communicate easily, and accordingly encourages their seeking representatives who can reflect their views and wishes or speak on their behalf where this is appropriate.

The service considers that representation of this sort might be required:

{{org_field_name}} therefore makes available information about advocacy and is committed to having an advocate to represent a person receiving care in communication with {{org_field_name}}. It will also facilitate the use of advocates who are representing people receiving care in their dealings with other organisations.

Defining Advocacy

{{org_field_name}} adopts the description provided in the Scottish Government’s Independent Advocacy — Guide to Commissioners (2013) (available on the Scottish Government website). This states: “Advocacy plays an important role in supporting people to express their views and in providing a source of support which gives them the confidence to speak out. Advocacy is vital in nurturing trust and effectively supporting people to ensure their views are taken into account and that they are heard. It should also provide an environment in which they can confidently raise any concerns they may have with their advocate in the knowledge that there are no conflicts of interest.

“Advocacy enables people to be involved in decisions which affect their lives. It helps them to express their views and wishes, to access information, to make informed choices and to have control over as many aspects of their lives as possible.”

Purposes of Advocacy

{{org_field_name}} considers that advocacy has the following purposes.


When Advocacy Might Be Needed

{{org_field_name}} recognises that a person might need the representation provided by a personal advocate or advocacy service at different times in his or her involvement with a local authority and as a user of a care service, eg:

As a care provider, therefore, we are:

What the Service Requires from an Advocacy Provider

{{org_field_name}} can identify 10 essential qualities of advocacy that we would expect to be present in all advocacy services, which the people receiving our care might use, as follows.

  1. Independence: advocates should be independent from statutory and other service-providing agencies.
  2. Empowerment: people using advocacy should be able to participate in the running of the scheme.
  3. Accountability: every advocacy scheme should monitor and evaluate its work effectively.
  4. Support for advocates: advocates must be appropriately prepared, trained and supported.
  5. Complaints: advocacy schemes must have policies for dealing with complaints.
  6. Clarity of purpose: advocacy schemes must have clear objectives and must make these known.
  7. Putting people first: advocates must be non-judgmental and respectful of people’s needs, views and experiences.
  8. Equal opportunities: advocacy schemes must have and observe a written equal opportunities policy.
  9. Accessibility: advocacy must be provided free of charge and in ways which make it widely accessible.
  10. Confidentiality: advocacy schemes must have a policy on confidentiality, which includes the circumstances under which confidentiality might be breached.

(Source: Action on Advocacy Charter)

Supporting Access to Advocacy

To enable people receiving care who seek and need the help of an independent advocate, for example, because of communication difficulties or lack of mental capacity to take key decisions, {{org_field_name}} in partnership with other professionals and agencies adopts the following procedures:

Local Advocacy Services Contact Details

[Use this to include details of local advocacy services/organisations.]


All staff are provided with training on the use of advocacy at all suitable stages of their employment.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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