

Staff Development, Training and Qualifications (Wales) Policy


{{org_field_name}} considers that its employees represent its greatest asset. By providing opportunities, facilities and financial support for training, the service requires all of its employees to have the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to perform their jobs to the highest standard.

To this end, the service is committed to functioning as a learning organisation, providing all its employees with the opportunity for training and retraining in line with their own needs and those of the service.

This policy is written to show how {{org_field_name}} is complying with its registration conditions and service standard regulations, specifically Regulation 36: Supporting and Developing Staff that require providers to have suitably competent staff, who are equipped and supported to meet the needs of the people who use the service.

This regulation requires the service to have a staff development and training programme together with supervision and appraisal programmes that ensure staff can fulfil the aims of the service and meet the assessed and changing needs of people who use the service.

To comply with Regulation 36, service providers must have a policy on staff support and development that includes:

There should be systematic assessments of staff’s development and training needs with matching programmes, and by implication, close links maintained with Social Care Wales as the organisation responsible for the development and regulation of the social care workforce.

The programme should be reviewed annually and refreshed and updated in line with the review outcomes and changes in policy and other best practice guidance. It should also ensure that staff are given opportunities to obtain qualifications appropriate to their work roles and in line with their workforce registration requirements.

There is a separate related policy on Induction Programmes. Other relevant policies include those for the following:

Policy Statement

Through its related policies and corresponding procedures, the service is able to show how it supports and develops staff by providing:

  1. induction training (based on the All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care) so that all staff who are new to the organisation can work safely and have a set programme of development which will enable them to increase their skills
  2. opportunities for staff and managers to achieve relevant vocational qualifications as required or recommended by the Social Care Wales workforce development strategy and registration frameworks
  3. ongoing professional development training programmes for staff to maintain and develop their skills and satisfy any registration requirements made by Social Care Wales and other registration bodies
  4. managers with leadership training to set the high standards expected of {{org_field_name}} and to ensure that they are achieved
  5. rolling programmes of statutory and mandatory training, including essential health and safety training
  6. training programmes for staff in all aspects of care relevant to their job roles such as dignity in care, nutrition, dementia care, the Mental Capacity Act, end-of-life care, etc
  7. protection and support to staff who are at risk from harm while carrying out their work
  8. defined programmes of staff appraisal and supervision
  9. a development and training needs assessment for each individual staff member.

Sought Qualities in Staff

It is the service policy that all staff respect our people using the service and be accessible, approachable and comfortable with them, and be good listeners and communicators, reliable and honest, interested, motivated and committed. In addition, they should have the skills and experience necessary for the tasks they are expected to perform, including:

Principles of the Service’s Approach to Staff Development, Training and the Achievement of Qualifications

  1. The service works to the following principles, in line with its CIW registration conditions, which require providers to employ staff with the right qualities, who are suitably qualified and competent to meet the needs of the people who use the service.
    a. Training is the process of developing staff to an agreed standard of competence so that they have the knowledge and skills to carry out their roles and tasks and adhere to their professional code of conduct.
    b. A planned programme for the training and development of staff is essential to ensure good practice and the provision of a quality service for individuals.
    c. Without a skilled, committed and well-trained staff team, the service cannot possibly succeed in its aim to provide high-quality care.
    d. A service’s staff group is the most significant of its investments in achieving its purpose. Once the service has recruited competent, experienced and qualified staff it is also essential to keep their skills up to date.
    e. Training should not only motivate staff, but also encourage their co-operation, imagination and personal development. Without being stimulated by new learning, staff can become bored, take shortcuts, lapse into bad habits or feel undervalued and under-used.
  2. All staff receive appropriate training to equip them to meet the assessed needs of the people in {{org_field_name}}, as defined in their personal plan of care. All training is regularly updated and staff receive refresher training so that their working practices are kept up to date.
  3. Staff are enabled to take part in all the training that is essential to perform their roles effectively and competently. This includes full-time, part-time and temporary staff and staff recruited from overseas. The training is delivered in different ways in line with individuals’ training assessments, which indicate their preferred and most effective ways of learning.
  4. Training is provided to comply with statutory requirements in respect of:
    a. safe working practices to ensure that the health, safety and welfare of people receiving care and staff are promoted and protected; this includes moving and handling, fire safety, first aid, food hygiene and infection control
    b. enabling staff to achieve relevant qualifications in health and social care and to meet their registration requirements where applicable
    c. all aspects of abuse and safeguarding of vulnerable people in line with local safeguarding adults’ boards policies and procedures
    d. risk assessments and management of risk.
  5. All training needs and programmes are reviewed at least annually by the service manager and Responsible Person. Refresher and updating training are provided in line with the outcomes of the reviews, and as required by the statutory bodies or training providers involved.

Key Features of the Service’s Development and Training Programmes

To meet its responsibilities for its staff and to meet its registration requirements, the service carries out the following.

Induction Programmes

Every new staff member receives a comprehensive induction.

Staff new to care work will be expected to achieve the learning outcomes set out in the All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care), including those that make them eligible for registration with Social Care Wales. Under normal circumstances the expectation is that they will complete their induction learning within 12 weeks. Successful completion will allow them to work without being under direct supervision.

New staff members with previous experience of care work will have an induction programme to make them familiar with {{org_field_name}}’s purpose, policies and procedures and general ethos. (See the Induction Programmes Policy).

Continuing Professional Development

Training Records

Supervision and Appraisal

Specific Features (include where applicable)

Additional Support

Training Needs Assessments and Reviews

Staff can expect their individual training needs to be discussed in their supervision sessions and annual appraisal.

The service also carries out a training review annually, which is made the responsibility of the training manager/coordinator. This takes the form of a questionnaire sent to every member of staff on the training they have received and their recommendations for future training.

This review forms part of the service’s quality assurance strategy. The results from the review are combined with the service’s business plan, with individual staff personal development plans and make a major contribution to the planning of the next annual training programme.

Training Responsibilities

The registered person and the registered manager are responsible for the development and implementation of the programmes needed to make sure that the service complies with its registration conditions.

________________________________ is responsible for the organisation of induction programmes for new staff.

________________________________ is responsible for the planning and organisation of in-house training, including the use of e-learning resources.

________________________________ is responsible for assessing workplace competencies and training linked to qualifications in health and social care.

The responsible person and service manager receive training in line with the requirements for their respective roles and responsibilities, including in the case of the service manager for a suitable leadership and management qualification.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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