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Health Promotion in Care Homes (England) Policy

Policy Statement

{{org_field_name}} recognises that it should always encourage people who use its services to take responsibility for their own state of health and wellbeing. All people should have access to health promotion resources both in and out the home so that they can have the fullest information about health on which to base their lifestyle choices.

Access to health promotion is a vital aspect of helping people to lead healthier lives and should be considered as a high priority during care planning and needs assessment processes.

This policy is in line with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 for safe, person-centred care that always maintains people’s dignity and respect and which promotes their health and wellbeing.

Policy Background

“Health Promotion” is a term applied to a wide range of approaches designed for improving the health of people, communities and populations. A common definition is that health promotion is a public health approach based on the concept that there are considerable health gains to be derived from encouraging people to live healthier, fitter and more active lives, avoiding known risks to health.

In the context of residential care, health promotion usually refers to any activity that helps people who live in care homes make healthier lifestyle choices for themselves including choices around diet and exercise and around the use of alcohol and smoking.

Most community or primary healthcare teams offer regular health promotion clinics. They may provide general screening and advice (eg Well Woman or Well Man sections) or deal with specific health issues (eg diet, smoking).

Policy Content

In {{org_field_name}}:

  1. care staff should include access to relevant health promotion approaches when conducting needs assessments and during the individual care planning process
  2. care staff should promote the use of all local resources available to people within the home and in the community, ie specialist clinics, dietician, screening opportunities, etc (staff can obtain information about community cased resources from the GP practice where the person is registered)
  3. care staff will work with health professionals to maximise communication and understanding between the person and relevant health promotion staff or care professionals
  4. staff should acquire as much information as possible prior to accompanying a person for any health checks or treatment, including individual preference for male/female GP and nurses
  5. before going for a check-up or clinic appointment, the person should be given clear information about any likely procedures (eg blood pressure measurement, breast examination, internal examination); they should also have the chance to raise any questions about what may be involved and be asked to give their consent where required.

Nutritional Health Promotion

Diet and access to good nutritional advice is a key area of promoting good health and healthy lifestyles. Staff should follow the following policy guidelines to encourage people to choose a balanced, nutritional and healthy diet.

To maintain the balance of good health, foods should be given in accordance to the following.

  1. Bread, cereals and potatoes:
    a. include these at every meal
    b. try not to add extra fat in cooking or at the table
    c. choose higher fibre varieties.
  2. Fruit and vegetables:
    a. try to include at least 5 portions a day
    b. fresh, frozen, tinned, juices and dried types all count.
  3. Meat, fish and alternatives:
    a. steam, stew, grill, stir-fry or bake with little or no added fat
    b. choose low fat varieties such as lean meat, skinless chicken, fish, beans and pulses.
  4. Milk and dairy foods:
    a. choose lower fat varieties such as semi-skimmed milk and low fat yogurt
  5. Food containing fat and foods containing sugar:
    a. choose these foods less often and have smaller amounts.

Also, where a person has any medical/special dietary needs then staff need to refer to the individual’s assessment plan. Where required, a person who uses services can be referred to a dietician for a full range of dietary advice and support.


New care staff will receive training during induction in the importance of health promotion. Access to further training in specialist health promotion areas will be provided as required.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next review date: this policy is reviewed annually (every 12 months). When needed, this policy is also updated in response to changes in legislation, regulation, best practices, or organisational changes.

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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