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Partnership Working in Care Homes (England) Policy

Policy Statement

This care service accepts that to provide the highest standard of care for the people who use our services, it is vital to work in partnership with other professionals and services. The service is committed to achieving the standards set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.

It recognises that it must reflect the quality statements produced by the CQC to form its future assessment framework. Most relevant to this care service’s approach to partnership working are the following.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions: We work with people and our partners to establish and maintain safe systems of care, in which safety is managed, monitored and assured. We ensure continuity of care, including when people move between different services. (Key domain, Safe.)

How staff, teams and services work together: We work effectively across teams and services to support people. We make sure they only need to tell their story once by sharing their assessment of needs when they move between different services. (Key domain, Effective.)

Partnerships and communities: We understand our duty to collaborate and work in partnership, so our services work seamlessly for people. We share information and learning with partners and collaborate for improvement. (Key domain, Well-led.)

This policy should be read in relation to the corresponding policy on Sharing Information with Other Providers and Agencies (Care Homes).

The service understands that to comply with this regulation we need to:

Key Procedures


The home makes sure that there is adequate information on all new people from the services previously involved so that it can assess and meet their needs in a timely manner to establish consistent and continuous care.

When preparing to receive a new person from another service, the home appoints named staff members to act as points of contact to receive and process necessary information and documentation and co-ordinate the whole admission process.

The named staff members (or key workers) act as link workers with other external services involved to make sure that the new person’s needs are fully addressed and met.


When someone moves from the service temporarily or permanently to another service, or when another organisation becomes involved, this care service appoints a named staff member to collate and pass on all the information and documentation needed by the receiving service to carry out their care, treatment and support. This will include any advance directives that the person might have drawn up.

The named staff member will continue to act as a link person to provide any further information and help that the other service requires and to support the individual in the transition to the other service and back again to the service if they return, eg after discharge from hospital.

Staff will continue to work with other services to secure the best outcomes for the individual whose care is shared with other services.


The service has policies and procedures for summoning help for a person in an emergency.

It instructs staff who are involved in summoning help or assisting to address the emergency to make sure that any receiving services, eg paramedics, have all the information they need to carry out their work on behalf of the person who uses the services and that this information is passed on to any other service, eg Accident and Emergency, in line with their requirements.

Depending on the circumstances requiring emergency help, the senior staff member on duty is responsible for the collection and collation of the information and documentation that needs to be passed on. If available the person’s key worker could also take on or take over that role.

Staff members are instructed to give the receiving services every help that they need to make sure that the person is safe and their needs are being fully met.

Supporting people to access other services

The service records on individuals’ care plans both their needs for additional services and the help it provides in obtaining and accessing them in line with their wishes and preferences.

The service always supports the person to obtain full benefit and value from these services.


When a safeguarding alert is raised, the service will co-operate fully with the safeguarding authority in the enquiries made and following actions, including the sharing of all relevant information. The service will ensure that the person receiving care or their lawful representative’s consent is obtained to the process.


Staff training is carried out in relation to all aspects of this policy. All training, including induction training, is in line with the guidance and standards produced by the relevant social and healthcare workforce development organisations.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

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