

Dementia Care Policy

Policy Statement

This home recognises that a significant number of its residents might be admitted with or develop some form and degree of dementia, which might change or progress during their period of residence. Other residents might well develop the signs and symptoms of dementia after admission. {{org_field_name}} strives to achieve the same high standards of care for all of its residents. It also recognises that dementia is an illness in its own right and that people with dementia have specific needs requiring, in turn, specific strategies in response.

{{org_field_name}}’s approach to its dementia care is consistent with the common values, principles and standards that apply to all service users and the standards laid down in the National Service Framework for Older People and the national guidelines produced jointly by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence and the Social Care Institute for Excellence (NICE/SCIE 2007). It recognises the importance of the Government’s Dementia Care Strategy and is committed to its implementation.

Aim of Policy

This policy is intended to set out the values, principles and strategies underpinning {{org_field_name}}’s approach to residents who have some form of dementia.


  1. This home follows principles of person-centred care in assessing and addressing the needs of its residents with dementia.
  2. It also attempts to see the person with dementia as a whole person — not just someone who has a label of dementia attached to them.
  3. This home’s policies on equality and diversity apply to its residents with dementia as they do to all others. People with dementia are not to be excluded from any of {{org_field_name}}’s activities, facilities or services because of their condition.
  4. This home requires its staff to treat people with dementia with respect at all times and to value their dignity.
  5. This home works closely with informal carers and relatives in assessing and addressing the needs of the person with dementia.
  6. It also recognises that people with dementia have a right to express their wants and wishes and to take their own decisions according to their capacity to do so.
  7. This home complies with the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in respect of the decision taking required by or on behalf of anyone with dementia.

Assessment, Diagnosis and Reviews

  1. This home works closely with local medical services including psycho-geriatric services to ensure all residents are properly and appropriately diagnosed and assessed.
  2. It ensures that the health of all residents who have a diagnosis of dementia is regularly monitored and reviewed so that This home can adjust its response to any changes.
  3. It pays particular attention to ensuring that the medication prescribed to residents with dementia is monitored and regularly reviewed.
  4. This home recognises that residents might have different, forms of dementia and will be at different stages in the progression of the illness. It recognises that the effects of the illness will therefore vary from individual to individual and that a differential approach to each person’s needs should always be taken.

Care Strategies

1. This home recognises that no single strategy is sufficient and that most residents with dementia will need a combination of approaches that might involve the prescribing of appropriate medicines and drugs, focused social care and support and in some cases, specialised psychological interventions. All interventions need to be developed as a whole and in relation to one another.

2. This home uses pharmacological interventions in response to behaviours that challenge only when these are appropriate and do not impair the person’s sense of well-being. They are never used to restrain or control the person unnecessarily. It ensures that clinical guidelines are strictly adhered to in any prescriptions made.

This home therefore offers in response to the range of residents’ needs a range of interventions and programmes that commonly aim to maintain the capacities of residents and improves their sense of well-being and quality of life. These are carefully selected to meet each person’s assessed needs.

3. This home works to ensure that all residents with dementia are never socially excluded because of their dementia and are able to participate fully in the life of This home and in the community.

This home provides a range of adaptations and aids to help residents with dementia negotiate their way around the premises and gardens as freely and independently as possible. It is always reviewing their effectiveness and seeking cost-effective ways of making improvements.

Staff Development and Training

  1. This home ensures that all staff receive dedicated training in dementia care principles and methods.
  2. Staff new to care work are expected to achieve the Care Certificate Standard 9: Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability, which is also used as a minimum benchmark for all care staff working with people with dementia.
  3. Some staff receive more advanced training in accordance with their roles and responsibilities for residents who have dementia

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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