

Accident Reporting (Wales) Policy

Policy Statement

This policy outlines the procedures when any employee, volunteer, person in a care home or visitor, or person receiving domiciliary support or contractor has an accident, near miss or when a dangerous occurrence occurs on care home premises or as a result of care work-related activities in the person’s home.

For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply.

This policy covers reporting and recording procedures for managers, employees and non-employees. Suitable information and training will be given to all personnel regarding accident reporting.

{{org_field_name}} recognises that keeping records of accidents and safety incidents at work is required by law and is an important part of any health and safety risk management process. The analysis of comprehensive accident records is a valuable management tool that can be used to aid risk assessment and put in place safety actions to prevent accidents in the future.

On a larger scale, the collection of reports about serious incidents that may endanger the public is an essential role for an enforcing authority such as the HSE, local authorities and regulators.

Legal Requirements

{{org_field_name}} complies with the requirements of the Regulated Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2017 in respect of service user care, particularly Regulation 57: Health and Safety and the following regulations relating to accident management, reporting and investigation.

The following HSE guidance will be followed:


In this care service, the following policies and procedures will apply.

Emergency/Accident procedures

Accident reporting

Accident book reports

RIDDOR reports

Accident investigation

Reviewing accident/incident records

Care Inspectorate Wales Notifications Procedures

This service will comply with CIW requirements to notify it of any accident that has resulted in serious injury to or death of a person and in relation to its statutory duty of candour.


Staff are given training in the service’s accident reporting procedures in their induction and refresher training as needed.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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