Challenging Behaviour, Violence and Aggression (Wales) Policy
Policy Statement
This policy shows how {{org_field_name}} deals with concerning and challenging behaviour, violence and aggression from people using the service, which could be directed at other users and staff or as acts of self-harm.
It is linked to the policy on Keeping Staff Safe: Aggression Towards Staff and Appropriate Response, which is written from a staff health and safety perspective.
The policy is in line with the requirements of the Regulated Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2017, particularly Regulation 29: The Appropriate Use of Control and Restraint and health and safety standards relating to an employer’s duties to provide a safe working environment for their staff.
- This service always respects the lifestyles and human rights of people using the service.
- We recognise, nevertheless, that exceptional circumstances might arise when our workers might be called upon to place limitations on a person using the service’s behaviour, either in their interest or for the protection of others.
- We will attempt to anticipate these possibilities and to follow precise procedures designed to ensure that the limitation to a person using the service’s lifestyle or human rights is kept to a minimum.
In its approach to concerning and challenging behaviour, {{org_field_name}} adopts Positive Behaviour Support principles and strategies as promoted in the Wales Government’s Reducing Restrictive Practices Framework (2021), which are based on being:
- person-centred
- fully involving everyone, including the person using the service
- working with the person using the service on the behavioural, emotional and social outcomes they wish to achieve
- always non-punitive
- always open and honest when addressing concerning and challenging behaviour.
Service Delivery Plan
When a personal plan is drawn up or revised, {{org_field_name}} will discuss with the person and their representatives any concerns about their behaviour, which could cause harm to the person or to others.
We will record all concerns and the decisions reached with the person and their representatives about how to manage the identified concerns.
We will seek to understand the reasons for any concerning behaviour and how best to address it positively and constructively.
Our social care workers will know from the agreed care plan how to respond to any concerning behaviour or risks of its developing to keep the person and others safe.
Risk Assessment
In preparing the personal plan, we will carry out and fully record a risk assessment to assess the possible danger which is faced and the balance of benefits and disadvantages of the proposed course of action.
Consent of Person Using the Service
We will make every effort to involve a person using the service who is at risk of losing self-control and obtain their agreement that such an intervention might be necessary.
For people using the service who are permanently unable to understand the situation or to give informed consent, we will carry out a full mental capacity assessment so that decisions are always taken in their best interests, and the least restrictive actions always follow.
The service will always ensure that people’s human rights are protected wherever any restrictions could amount to their being deprived of their liberty.
The Use of Restraint
The circumstances in which we regard as justified and an intervention by a worker that would have the effect of limiting a person using services’ lifestyle or human rights are:
- to prevent self-harm or self-neglect by the person using services
- to prevent abuse or harm to others.
The restraint used must be the least that is compatible with containing the risk and must last for as short a time as possible. Neither restraint nor the threat of restraint should ever be used as a form of punishment.
Any instance of the use of restraint should immediately be recorded. The worker involved should report what happened to their manager as soon as possible and the manager should review the position and initiate any possible action to avert a recurrence.
Inappropriate Use of Restraint by Others
We regard the use of medication simply as a means of restraint as unethical. If we learn of situations where we believe restraint is being used inappropriately by others, we will bring the matter to the attention of the appropriate authorities.
Training on behaviour that is concerning or challenging, including aggressive or potentially violent behaviour, is included in {{org_field_name}}’s induction programmes, which follows the All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care.
{{org_field_name}} also uses in its training the Social Care Wales resource, Positive Approaches: Reducing Restrictive Practices in Social Care (2021).
The service provides ongoing training so that staff can develop skills to manage and reduce concerning behaviour by carrying out a detailed problem analyses and the selection of individualised interventions appropriate to each case.
Where appropriate, staff are trained in a range of intervention strategies to respond to behaviour that threatens or challenges them or others. This training includes:
- the concept and use of “minimum force”
- de-escalation techniques
- approved and acceptable breakaway techniques
- inappropriate or unacceptable techniques.
Managers receive training in the management of violent or emergency situations and in appropriate post-incident follow-up.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
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