

Health and Safety Training (Wales) Policy

Policy Statement

This policy is written in line with Regulation 57: Health and Safety of the Regulated Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2017.

In order to secure the health and safety of all employees, the home will provide health and safety training to all employees.

Training will commence on the first day of employment so that employees are familiar with basic procedures once they are at their place of work. Thereafter, employees will be expected to attend regular updates and will be provided with adequate health and safety training on their being exposed to new or increased risks because of a change of job, work equipment, system of work, etc.

All new staff must attend induction training and achieve all elements of Outcome 3: Maintain Safety at Work of the 2008 Welsh Induction Framework for Social Care.

A programme of refresher health and safety training will be repeated periodically as necessary and will cover health and safety risks, control measures, emergency measures, and risks presented by other workers sharing the workplace. All staff should attend refresher training as required. A record will be kept of all attendees. The person responsible for health and safety training in {{org_field_name}} is ____________.

Health and Safety Training in Induction

The induction training programme will last as long as required and is dependent on the experience of the new employees and the amount of information required to enable them to work safely.

The health and safety component of induction training will comply with the requirements of the 2008 Welsh Common Induction Framework for Social Care and includes the following.

Written information will be provided on the subjects covered in the induction programme. This may be in the form of course notes or an employee’s handbook. Employees can then review the information if they are unsure of any section of the training.

Health and Safety Refresher Training

{{org_field_name}} organises an annual programme of health and safety refresher training. A requirement to attend any of the courses is agreed with each member of staff during their annual appraisal. The need to attend a specific course will then be added to their personal training plan.

The training programme includes:

CourseSuitable forRequired frequency of attendance
Basic manual handling trainingAll staffEvery 3 years
Manual handling for people handling staffAll staff who are required to move or handle service usersAnnual
Basic fire safety trainingAll staffAnnual
Fire evacuationAll staffAnnual
Advanced fire safety trainingFire wardens and managersAnnual
Personal safety and securityAll staffEvery 3 years
Infection control trainingAll care staff and cleaning staffEvery 2 years
Health and safety risk assessmentManagers and risk assessorsEvery 2 years
COSHH trainingManagers, risk assessors and staff who require an understanding of COSHH to perform their role safelyEvery 3 years
Food hygiene trainingAll cooks and food handlersAnnual
First Aid training — First Aid at Work (FAW) HSE certificated course and refresherAll staff identified as a qualified first aiderMust do the full course and then an annual refresher for the first and second years and then a revalidation course every third year

A record is kept in individual staff records of attendance at courses.

{{org_field_name}} ensures the following.

  1. All staff whether employed whole or part time, or in a bank or voluntary capacity, will be responsible for ensuring that their own health and safety training is up to date. They should alert their line manager when their training is due to expire at the time of their appraisal.
  2. Line managers and supervisors will check the health and safety training records of their reporting staff on a regular basis. It is the responsibility of all supervisory staff and line managers to ensure that all staff have attended and are up to date with the relevant health and safety training for their role. They must ensure staff are given the opportunity and protected time to attend training and that this is agreed at the time of their annual appraisal and reflected in their personal development plan.
  3. All staff will be expected to set a high priority to health and safety training and to make every effort to attend training events provided and arranged for this purpose. If they fail to attend a booked training session, they must report this to their line manager or supervisor providing reasons for their non-attendance. Failure to attend on more than one occasion other than for reasons of ill health will require a review with the line manager to identify problems and produce an action plan.
  4. Line managers and supervisors should follow up those who have not attended their required health and safety training to investigate why and to ensure another training date is arranged as soon as possible.
  5. Line managers must ensure that all staff working in the immediate work environment for which they are responsible are fully trained in compliance with relevant health and safety legislation.

Night Staff

Night staff are expected to attend health and safety training in the same way as other staff. In order to facilitate this, line managers will discuss with them mutually convenient ways to ensure that training courses are accessible.

Volunteers and Non-employed Staff

{{org_field_name}} recognises its responsibility to ensure, as far as is reasonably possible, the safety of all volunteers as well as the safety of those staff who are not directly employed by the organisation, such as temporary agency staff.

A risk assessment will be completed for all volunteers and non-employed staff and appropriate health and safety training arranged to cover any identified risks. Volunteers and non-employed staff will be invited to induction training and ongoing health and safety training programmes as appropriate. Records will be kept of their attendance in the same way as employed staff.

All volunteers and non-employed staff must be given local induction training when they first start work, including fire safety and evacuation procedures. All volunteers and non-employed staff should also be made aware of the home’s health and safety policies and procedures.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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