

Social Activity and Leisure in Care Homes (Wales) Policy

Policy Statement

{{org_field_name}} works on the principle that every service user has the right to leisure time and resources which they should be able to use as they wish, doing things that they enjoy.

This policy sets out the home’s approach to leisure activities inside and outside of the home. The home believes that the enjoyment of a rich and active leisure is the absolute right of every service user.

The policy is in line with the requirements of the Regulated Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2017 to provide safe, person-centred care that always promotes personal development, social activity and wellbeing according to individual interests and preferences.

Social Activity and Leisure Policy

{{org_field_name}} works to the following standards.

Furthermore, it is the policy of the home that all service users of {{org_field_name}} should:

Each person’s interests should be supported whenever possible to encourage individuality and staff should:

The Social Committee (where applicable)

Leisure activities in {{org_field_name}} are arranged by a social committee of service users and staff.

Staff should discuss with the above named person any new ideas or suggestions for social activities.

Social Activities within the Home

Current activities at the home are composed of both indoor and outdoor pursuits and include arts and crafts, gardening, photography, keep-fit and computing. We also arrange a wide variety of in-house games for the enjoyment of the residents. There are quizzes, word games and at Christmas and New Year, relatives and friends are invited to join in festivities. Every summer an annual fete is organised which is widely supported and the home also holds barbecues.

For residents who prefer a quieter time there are also a range of facilities that they can enjoy. They may choose to spend time in the gardens, or read the newspapers, magazines and books provided. Residents may order any magazines or newspapers that they wish to have delivered daily. We also have a large screen television in the lounge together with a music system.


This section should be tailored to the individual home.

Social Activities outside the Home

Holidays and short breaks are encouraged as are regular outings to places of local interest and also the organising of small groups for lunch at the local pub.


This section should be tailored to the individual home.


All staff are required to understand and implement the home’s policy on social activities and leisure, which is in line with our person-centred values and principles.

Staff with specific responsibilities for providing leisure opportunities are encouraged to seek further training and qualifications in any activities that could benefit residents following Skills for Care guidance.

All staff are expected to be able to support service users in following up their individual interests and achieving their personal goals.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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