Care Home Policies and Procedures

Over 350 Care Home Policies and Procedures that cover every possible scenario


Suitable for CQC,CIW and CI registration, and daily business use


Logo, contact details, business name, registered manager

Monthly Updates

Rest assured; we update the policies every month. You are covered!

Care Home Policies and Procedures Pack – CQC (England), CIW (Wales) and CI (Scotland) Compliant

At e-Care HUB, we recognise the difficulties and challenges that care homes in England, Wales, and Scotland face. That’s why we’ve carefully developed our Care Home Policies and Procedures Pack. It’s designed to help your service not only meet but also exceed the standards established by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in England, Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW), and Care Inspectorate Scotland (CI).

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What You’ll Receive with Our Policies and Procedures Pack

CQC, CIW and CI Compliant Policies

Our pack contains a complete set of policies that fully meet the regulations of the CQC, CIW, and CI. We keep up to date with the latest changes in law and best practices, making sure you always stay ahead of compliance requirements.

Branding Customisation

We believe in personalising our policies to make them uniquely yours. That’s why we provide options to customise them with your logo, business name, your registered manager’s, and more details, all smoothly incorporated throughout the policies.

Monthly Updates

The world of healthcare is constantly changing, and our policies evolve too. Enjoy our monthly updates to ensure your policies stay up-to-date and comply with the latest legal and regulatory standards.

User-Friendly Features

Policy Sharing: Easily share relevant policies with your staff, ensuring everyone is informed and aligned with your operational standards.

Super User Access: Delegate management responsibilities by adding other super users to your account, simplifying administrative tasks.

PDF Downloads: For ease of access and training, download any policy in a convenient PDF format.

Staff Profiles: Create and manage staff profiles, fostering a more organised and efficient administrative process.

Purchase our Care Home Policies and Procedures Pack

Why Choose e-Care HUB?

Expertise: Our team comprises industry experts who understand the nuances of care businesses in England.

Customisation: We go beyond the one-size-fits-all approach, offering personalised solutions that reflect your brand’s identity.

Peace of Mind: With our pack, you can focus on providing top-notch care, knowing your compliance needs are expertly handled.

A list of Care Home Policies and Procedures included in the pack

7 Ways to beat the heat

Absence management

Absence leave and holiday

Access Employee Data GDPR

Access Employee Data

Accessible information

Access Records – Service Users

Accident reporting

Adaptations and equipment


Advance care planning



Alcohol and drug use employees

Invasive devices

Annual Holidays


Anticipatory medicine


Asthma in care homes policy

Autism policy

Autonomy & Choice in Care Homes policy

Building and Refurbishment of Care Homes 

Bullying policy

Business Plan Policy

Business Premises management and planning policy

Caldicott Principles policy

Capability policy

Care and Support plans policy

Care and welfare people who use services policy

Catheter care policy

Care Home Use of Hoists

Challenging behaviour violence and aggression policy

Child safeguarding policy

Clostridium difficile policy

Commissioning and contracting-policy

Communicating effectively service-users-and-achieving-accessible-information-standard policy

Communication needs policy

Complaints policy

Confidentiality policy

Confidentiality service users information policy

Consent to care and treatment policy

Continuity care or support workers

Contract preparation procedures policy

Contracts and agreements and termination service care home policy

Controlled drugs management in care homes policy

Control of substances hazardous to health policy

Counter-fraud and security policy

Covert medication administering-medicines-without-user-s-knowledge-care homes policy

Covert medication in care homes

CQC Statutory notification policy

Cyberbullying policy

Data breach

Data protection GDPR

Data Protection

Death in service

Death service of user in care homes policy

Delays and missed visits contingency planning and arrangements policy

Dementia Care

Diabetes policy


Disability access premises policy

Disabled employees

Disciplinary and dismissal appeals policy

Disciplinary and dismissal process policy

Disclosure and barring service handling and security dbs disclosure information policy

Disclosure and barring service making checks and use dbs disclosure information policy

Display quality ratings domiciliary care policy

Display screen equipment care services policy

Domestic homely or non-prescribed medicines in care homes policy

Decontamination, Disinfection and Sterilisation 

Dress code and wearing uniforms policy

Drug/medicines errors identifying reporting and reviewing medicines related problems policy

Duty Candour

Electrical safety

Emergency Planning

Computer Security

Employee Factsheet heatstroke

Employing people from aboard

Employment ex-offenders

End of Life

Energy Management

Environmental management


Safe Use of Oxygen Policy

Equality, diversity, and inclusion

Escorting and driving car

Extra care housing and support

Employing people from aboard

Employment ex-offenders

Slips, trips and falls policy

Floods and Flooding in Care Homes

Financial procedures

Fire risks use paraffin-based emollients & creams

Fire Safety

First aid

Fit and proper person

Food Hygiene

Flexible working

Fossil Fuels

Gastrotomy Care PEG feeding

Gender rated care issues

Giving and receiving references

Grievances policy

Handwashing and hand hygiene


Head lice

Health and safety

MRSA in Care Homes

Health and safety risk assessment

Healthcare and clinical procedure


Stoma support 

Human rights and DOLS

Safeguarding bullying harassment


Identity cards

Ill, injured, dead or unresponsive service users

Induction training

Infection control

Information governance

Health and Safety of shift workers

Information governance under General Data

Intermediate care and reablement

Internet use staff policy

Intimate personal care

Involving service users

Job descriptions and person specifications

Jury service

Keeping staff safe aggressions towards staff

Key holding

Leadership and management

Learning disabilities

Leg ulcer care and prevention

Lifestyle, social and cultural

Escorting and Supporting Residents Outside of the care home

Employees with Disabilities

Matching needs

Coronavirus Covid 19 Recovery Plan Policy


Media relations

Medical reports

Medication be taken required

Medication management

Medication noncompliance

D&V outbreak

Infection outbreak

Mental health

Mobile phones

Monitoring and accountability

Management of Residents’ Social Fund 

Moving and handling Bariatric

Moving and handling

Team Building

Nail care

Needs assessment

Notice period

Nurse verification expected deaths


Occupational health

Online safety

Oral health

Ordering storing and transporting of medicines

Oxygen use

Part time


Personal and sexual relationships

Personal care and support

Personal development

PPE and infection control

Personal safety

Private Property of People Living in

Physical intervention


Pressure sores

Prevent duty counterterrorism.

Privacy and dignity

Professional boundaries

Provision non discriminatory

Public holidays

Quality assurance

Racial harassment

Record keeping

Records kept

Covid Recovery Plan




Referring employees DBS

Requests service GP

Requirements relating workers

Respecting and involving people

Respecting service user’s religion and beliefs

Responding experiences

Responding to requests



Risk assessment and management


Safeguarding person missing from home

Safeguarding restraints

Safeguarding interventions

Safeguarding behaviour peers

Safeguarding significant risk of harm

Safeguarding – vulnerable service users from financial abuse

Safeguarding People from the Risk of Closed Cultures in Care Homes

Safety, availability and suitability of equipment

Searching employees

Security and access service users’

Self-care and treatment

Self-funding and direct payments

Serious incidents reporting

Gift and Legacies Policy

Service users who lack mental capacity implementation

Sharing information other providers

Sharps in care homes


Sickness absence

Christmas party’s employee misconduct what are the dangers

Social isolation and loneliness

Social media and confidentiality

Code of Conduct

Staff appraisals

Staff complement and deployment

Staff health screening

Staffing levels

Staff qualities and qualifications

Staff Retention

Staff supervisions

Staff training and development

Staff vaccinations and immunisations

Statutory time

Stress at work

Supporting and developing staff

Sustainable development

Handwashing & Hand Hygiene in care homes


Time train

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies

Voluntary Redundancy policy


Warfarin and anticoagulant therapy


Work equipment

Working with other agencies

Workplace mediation

Wound management

Young workers

Eu working

Brexit contingency planning

Implications no deal Brexit

Anticipatory medication

Keeping staff safe from disrespectful behaviour and abuse

Night care

Winter Weather in care homes

Cold Weather Planning in Adult Social Care

Cold Weather Planning

Severe Winter Weather

Stroke Policy

Basic Life support, resuscitation and DNAR policy

Community Housing adaptation and mobility aids

Staff development and retention

Family leave

Shared Parental Leave

Employees religion & belief observance

Equal opportunities

Gastrostomy care peg heeding homecare policy

Hydration homecare Policy

Locking of Doors in Care Homes 

Lone working care policy

Swallowing difficulties policy

 Keeping young workers safe policy

 Risk assessment and management service users England policy

Parental bereavement leave policy

Data protection and compliance

Coronavirus covid-19 management care homes policy

Good governance leadership and management

Staff occupational health policy

Issues guidance on new regulations and its responsibilities

Regulation 12 Safe Care and Treatment

Registration of Care Service in Depth

Regulation 18 Staffing in depth

Regulation 17 Good Governance in depth

Regulation 20 Duty of Candour in depth

Regulation 19 Fit & Proper Persons Employed in depth

Procedures for new service users in care homes Quick Facts

Regulation 16 Receiving and acting on complaints in depth

Regulation 15 Premises and equipment in depth

Regulation 13 Safeguarding users from abuse and improper treatment in depth

Regulation 11 Need for Consent in depth

Regulation 10 Dignity and Respect in depth

Regulation 9 Person Centred Care in depth

Mental Capacity in depth

Requirements-service-providers-part-11-care homes

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy in Care Services Policy

Responding to Accidents and Emergencies in care homes

Infection Control Screening Questionnaire

Self-Audit Safe 5a IPC Delivery of Care

Self-audit Safe 5a IPC PPE

Self-Audit Safe 5a Testing

Self-Audit Safe 5a Staff training and Practices

Self-Audit Safe 5a IPC

Respecting and involving people who use  the service

Covid 19 staff recruitment Temporary

Fixed Term Contracts

Commitment to and upholding of Human Rights

Information for Service Users

Statement of Purpose

Disabled access to premises

Death of a service user

Induction Programme

Promoting Mental Well Being and Health

Safely, availability and use of equipment

Decontamination disinfection and sterilisation

Agency Workers

Identity Cards 

Information and Consultation with Staff

Personalisation Policy

Medication to be taken as required in care homes

New Expectant Mothers at Work policy

Covid 19 Recovery Plan

Pressure Relieving & Reducing Air Beds

Temporary Homeworking During Covid-19 Emergency

Hydration in care homes

Personal relationships at Work

Pain management

Coronavirus test and trace contingency planning

Overall Safeguarding

Legionnaire Disease


Good Governance organisational structure

Personal Development

Mandatory Vaccination of Staff Working in care homes

Access to service users rooms

Safeguarding children and young people in care

National Data opt

Supported living younger adults care and support England policy

Emergency planning responding shortages supplies policy

Personal protective equipment infection control in care homes policy

Pest control policy

Safeguarding service users abuse or harm in care homes overarching policy

Safeguarding service users who are vulnerable adopting extremist and radical ideologies policy

Staff occupational health allergy risks assessment and-management-policy

Childrens medication policy 

Open Door Policy

Access social care records people receiving care policy

Hand hygiene below elbows policy

International staff recruitment policy

Partnership working in care homes

Responsive services 

Working relatives’ friends and carers in care homes policy

Safeguarding Children 

Purchase our Care Home Policies and Procedures Pack