Registration Number: {{org_field_registration_no}}
Good Governance Policy
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that {{org_field_name}} operates in a manner that is compliant with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, particularly Regulation 17 – Good Governance. This policy provides a framework for accountability, transparency, and continual improvement within our care home, ensuring that all activities are managed effectively to deliver high-quality, person-centred care.
2. Scope
This policy applies to:
- All staff, including managers, care workers, administrative personnel, and external contractors.
- The Registered Manager, Nominated Individual, and senior leadership team, who have key responsibilities in ensuring regulatory compliance.
- The people we support, their families, and representatives who rely on our service for high standards of care.
3. Key Governance Principles
Good governance at {{org_field_name}} is based on the following principles:
3.1 Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Frameworks
To maintain regulatory compliance, we:
- Adhere to all CQC Fundamental Standards and ensure compliance with Regulation 17 – Good Governance, which requires effective systems and processes to:
- Assess, monitor, and improve service quality.
- Identify and mitigate risks.
- Maintain accurate records relating to care provision and management.
- Ensure learning and development from incidents and complaints.
- Regularly update our policies in line with CQC guidance, the Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act 2005, and Equality Act 2010.
3.2 Leadership and Accountability
- The Registered Manager and Nominated Individual ensure robust governance structures and report to CQC and other relevant bodies.
- A clear organisational structure is in place, defining roles, responsibilities, and accountability at all levels.
- Regular board meetings and leadership reviews take place to assess governance effectiveness.
3.3 Risk Management and Continuous Improvement
- A Risk Management Framework is in place, covering health and safety, safeguarding, and compliance risks.
- All incidents, complaints, and feedback are analysed, and action plans are implemented to mitigate risks.
- Regular audits and quality assurance reviews are conducted to identify areas of improvement.
3.4 Person-Centred and Inclusive Care Delivery
- Care is tailored to each individual, ensuring personal preferences, autonomy, and dignity are respected.
- We support diversity and inclusion, ensuring compliance with the Equality Act 2010.
- People we support, families, and advocates are actively involved in care planning and decision-making.
3.5 Effective Record Keeping and Data Protection
- All records, including care plans, risk assessments, and incident reports, are accurate, up-to-date, and stored securely.
- We comply with GDPR and Confidentiality Policies to ensure the secure handling of personal information.
3.6 Staff Training, Supervision, and Support
- Staff undergo mandatory training in key governance areas, including duty of candour, safeguarding, and compliance.
- Regular supervisions, appraisals, and competency assessments are conducted to ensure high standards.
- A whistleblowing policy is in place to encourage staff to report concerns without fear of retribution.
3.7 Financial Transparency and Ethical Management
- The organisation follows Regulation 13 – Financial Position to ensure financial stability and ethical resource allocation.
- Clear financial policies are in place for managing service user finances, payroll, and operational costs.
3.8 Incident Reporting, Learning, and Continuous Improvement
- All incidents, complaints, and safeguarding concerns are reported, investigated, and addressed.
- Lessons learned from audits, feedback, and inspections drive continuous improvement plans.
3.9 Displaying CQC Ratings and Compliance Information
- Our CQC rating and performance assessments are displayed in accordance with Regulation 20A – Display of Performance Assessments.
- Our Statement of Purpose is reviewed regularly and kept up to date.
4. Related Policies
This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies:
- CH01 – Fit and Proper Persons: Directors Policy
- CH02 – Fit and Proper Persons: Employed Staff Policy
- CH03 – Requirements for Registered Managers Policy
- CH07 – Person-Centred Care Policy
- CH13 – Safeguarding Adults from Abuse and Improper Treatment Policy
- CH14 – Receiving and Acting on Complaints Policy
- CH18 – Risk Management and Assessment Policy
- CH35 – Duty of Candour Policy
5. Monitoring and Compliance
To ensure that this policy is effectively implemented:
- Quarterly governance audits are carried out.
- Annual governance reports are produced and shared with CQC, trustees, and stakeholders.
- Compliance with governance standards is reviewed during CQC inspections.
- Staff training logs and competency assessments are regularly checked.
6. Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually or sooner if:
- There are changes in legislation or CQC regulations.
- Governance audits highlight areas requiring policy improvement.
- There are significant incidents or concerns requiring an update in governance practices.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
Copyright © {{current_year}} – {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved.