

Participation of People Using the Service in Running {{org_field_name}} (England) Policy

Policy Statement

{{org_field_name}} works on the principle that every person using care services has the right to have a say in the running of the home where they live and to have their complaints, ideas and comments listened to and respected.

The home’s policy on “co-production”, ie participation and partnership with people using the service is in line with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 for safe, person-centred care that always maintains people’s dignity and respect and promotes wellbeing in all aspects of their lives.

The home’s policy is therefore to ensure that people using the service are offered as many opportunities as possible to participate in the day-to-day running of the home and to contribute to the development and review of policies, procedures and services.

User Participation Policy

It is the policy of the home that no changes will be made to the home’s purpose and running without full consultation with the people who live there and their relatives and representatives.

The home further agrees that everyone living in {{org_field_name}} will:

Those people who require communication support in order to understand the information issued will be provided with appropriate support to ensure that their involvement and participation can be ensured.


[Include any of the following where applicable and adjust the policy to suit the practices adopted by the home in line with its approach].

  1. The views, suggestions and comments of all people using the service, their families and their friends will be listened to with respect, and their active participation in the running of the home sought. All reasonable help will be given in the way of support and communication aid to enable those with physical, sensory or communication impairments to participate fully.
  2. A residents’ committee has been established and will meet on a monthly basis. A staff representative will attend these meetings.
  3. One or two residents who can represent residents’ views will be invited to attend monthly staff and management meetings. Representatives will be elected by the people using the services on an annual basis.
  4. Minutes and notes will be recorded from both of these meetings and decisions made will be noted in the action column, along with the name of the person who will take responsibility and a date of when they will report progress back to the resident group.
  5. A representative or the people using the service will be invited to be involved in the selection of staff at interview and of other potential users of the service applying for residence in the home. Appropriate interview training will be provided to people using the service performing such a role.
  6. A user “satisfaction” survey will be distributed to people using the services on a six-monthly basis. Summaries of the results of each survey will be collated and published by newsletter for every person using the service, within one month of the questionnaires being returned. People using the service who require help to complete their survey form will be given support.
  7. All complaints will be taken seriously and acted upon without exception. All complaints will be logged and recorded and the complainant contacted and informed of action to be taken.
  8. Full co-operation and support will be given to advocacy workers chosen to represent or help people to participate in the daily running of the home.

Additional Information


All new staff are introduced to the home’s policy on user participation as part of their induction process. Staff are expected to develop their practice in line with the principles of person-centred care and encourage residents to be as fully involved as they want to be in the life of the home.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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