Part-time Working Policy
Policy Statement
{{org_field_name}} recognises the important role that part-time staff can play in the delivery of a care service. It will always employ people part-time where work can be carried out satisfactorily, including on a job-share basis. It will also always consider requests from people who want to transfer from full-time to part-time work or vice versa.
{{org_field_name}}’s part-time working policy complies with its statutory obligations under the Employment Rights Act 1996, the Work and Families Act 2006, and the Flexible Working Regulations 2014.
- Part-time staff are defined for {{org_field_name}}’s purposes as those who work less than _ hours per week.
- Part-time staff might be employed where:
a. there is insufficient work for the job to be done on a full-time basis
b. the nature of the work or working hours are suited to part-time work
c. the job can be split sensibly and effectively between part-time job sharers or
d. it is difficult or impossible to find suitable full-time staff. - Managers wishing to recruit a part-time staff member must:
a. carefully assess the viability and desirability of having the job done on a part-time basis and the likelihood of finding suitable part-time applicants
b. identify the hours to be worked — whether the job holder needs to attend every day (eg mornings only) or whether two or three full days a week are more appropriate — and the potential cost of employment
c. obtain prior approval from _ before filling the post. - Managers considering splitting a full-time job into part-time jobs to be done by two job-sharers, or faced with such a request, must:
a. discuss the request fully with the staff members concerned, where appropriate and ensure that they are fully aware of all the implications of moving to part-time work, in particular the effect on their pay and other terms and conditions of employment
b. always consider carefully whether the job can be done satisfactorily on a part-time basis, taking into account such factors as continuity, an easily divisible workload, etc (bear in mind that an unjustifiable requirement for a job to be done on a full-time basis by one person can be unlawfully discriminatory against women)
c. assess the additional cost (if any) of employing two people to do the job
d. decide how the job could be split in terms of hours or days worked, the work to be done, etc and how feasible it would be to fill the vacancy should one job-sharer leave, and compare this with the person’s request and requirements as discussed with them
e. consider arranging for the job to be shared for a trial period to allow for a review and assessment of the points in (b) above, and ensure that the situation is reviewed at the end of the trial period and that, prior to its commencement, all the parties concerned know what will happen if the trial is unsuccessful (all details of the arrangement must be set down in writing)
f. obtain prior approval from _ before splitting a full-time job
g. confirm any decision made in writing to any staff members involved, where agreement is to be given to a request and ensure that the changes to the person’s contract of employment are put in writing (the staff member must sign their agreement to the changes). - Part-time staff are subject to the usual rules on deductions for income tax and National Insurance contributions.
- Part-time staff have the same statutory rights as full-time staff. Furthermore, pay and benefits for part-time staff must be no less favourable (on a pro rata basis) than those of equivalent full-time staff.
- All part-time staff receive, on their appointment, written details of the terms and conditions governing their employment. This is particularly important in respect of the terms which differ from those enjoyed by full-time staff.
- Full-time staff, including those returning from maternity leave, who wish to transfer to part-time work or who wish to share their job with another part-timer must put their request in writing to _ setting out the details (eg number of hours wanted, whether two or three full days a week, or half days, the type of work they wish to do if not their current work, etc).
- Staff who are dissatisfied with any decision made in respect of a request to do part-time work or job-sharing should use {{org_field_name}}’s formal grievance procedure.
{{org_field_name}} will ensure that staff understand its policy on applying for and granting part-time work and that its managers know how to implement it.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
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