Assessing Needs for Supported Living (England) Policy
Aim of the Policy
This policy describes the methods for assessing the needs of prospective users of the service, who require care and support in their own homes. The policy is in line with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, regulation 9(1): Person-centred Care which states: “the care and treatment of service users must (a) be appropriate, (b) meet their needs, and (c) reflect their preferences”. This will entail, as stated in regulation 9(3), “carrying out, collaboratively with the relevant person, an assessment of the needs and preferences for care and treatment of the service user.”
Every person who applies or is referred for our services must have their needs comprehensively assessed so that he or she has a care and support plan, which shows how they can achieve their personal outcomes in line with their wishes and preferences.
{{org_field_name}} understands that all prospective users of the service and their informal carers are entitled to have their needs assessed by a local authority to determine if they are eligible for local authority funding for their care and support.
{{org_field_name}} also understands that some people who use our service might be assessed for continuing nursing care funded by the National Health Service.
Policy Statement
{{org_field_name}} provides services to people who are referred to it in different ways. Our approach to assessing their needs will, therefore, depend on the source of the referral.
Some people will already have had their needs assessed by the local authority under the Care Act 2014 or before being discharged from hospital; from which {{org_field_name}} will be asked to provide services based on these assessments.
On receipt of such an assessment and referral, the manager of {{org_field_name}} will always check the accuracy and validity of the assessment by discussing with the social worker or care manager who has made the assessment, other key professionals involved and if necessary directly with the prospective users.
This makes sure that {{org_field_name}} can provide an effective service that achieves the outcomes for the individual and their informal carers and has the necessary resources to do this.
Where {{org_field_name}} receives an enquiry or request for services from a prospective user care directly or from someone acting on their behalf, it will proceed by first checking with the applicant if they already have had their needs assessed by the local authority.
If the person has not already had their needs assessed, {{org_field_name}} will suggest to the person and representatives that they might like to consider having an assessment carried out as they could be entitled to local authority-funded care. {{org_field_name}} will provide the contact number and details of the local authority adult social services if the person wishes to proceed in this way.
However, {{org_field_name}} will also proceed to visit the person and to carry out its own assessment pending this process or if the person seeks to receive its services in any case. {{org_field_name}} assessment will be thoroughly carried out in line with the current regulations and statutory guidance. The process includes assessing any potential risks to the prospective user and to {{org_field_name}}’s employees regarding such matters as moving and lifting, health and safety, infection control, etc.
The results of the assessment will determine if {{org_field_name}} can offer the services required and in what form. If it proceeds, it will then draw up a contract with the person and set up a care and support plan as it would if the person been referred by the local authority. The care and support plan will include any areas of risk that have to be managed.
Assessments of prospective self-funding users of the service are carried out by senior or specially employed staff who are qualified and competent to do so. The assessments are always person-centred and are made with reference to any specific ethnic, cultural, communication or religious needs that must be observed in the provision of the service. They might also involve with the applicant’s permission discussions with other agencies and professionals who contribute to the person’s current health and welfare.
Assessments are recorded on the documentation developed by {{org_field_name}} and the results are always made available to the prospective user as part of the following discussions about the best ways of meeting their needs.
(See also Responding to Requests for Service in Supported Living Policy.)
All staff are introduced to the importance of effective assessments of needs and reviews in their induction and receive further training in line with their roles and responsibilities.
Staff carrying out assessments receive the appropriate training to ensure that they are competent in their assessor roles.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
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