

Floods and Flooding in Domiciliary Care Policy

Policy Statement

This policy sets out the values, principles and policies underpinning {{org_field_name}}’s approach to dealing with the emergencies arising from floods or the risk of flooding of the areas in which {{org_field_name}}’s premises or service users’ homes are situated and which could disrupt service continuity.

{{org_field_name}} recognises that floods not only cause damage to buildings and property but can disrupt transport services as well. This can cause problems for the ambulance and community health services in areas most severely affected, as well as causing problems for staff completing their visits and maintaining punctuality.

Even outside of high-risk areas, heavy rain can cause groundwater to rise and blocked sewers can cause a flood.

Domiciliary care service will be concerned about flooding affecting:

Care service managers should ensure that contingency plans are in place to cover service user welfare, potential buildings damage and staffing emergencies. It is possible that in extreme situations service users might need to be evacuated from their homes.

This policy should be used with reference to the service’s’ other Contingency Planning policies, which are produced in line with local authority responsibilities under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 and its service continuity plans.


Contingency Plans for a Flooding Emergency

Importance of Risk Assessments

As part of its general service continuity planning, {{org_field_name}} carries out risk assessments for flooding using local authority and Environment Agency guidance, and by constantly checking local flood and weather alerts, including for flash flooding.

{{org_field_name}} will reduce the adverse effects of flood risk from flash flooding by ensuring its premises are always well maintained with drains kept clear and pipes regularly checked for leaks.

It will also assess risks of any service users’ homes being exposed to the risks of flash flooding and take these into account in its care planning for those people.

Responding to Flood Risks

Where a risk is identified {{org_field_name}} will:

• prepare a plan to mitigate the effects of possible flooding in line with local authority and national guidance, which will include:
a) arrangements for service user welfare, including continuity of their personal care, keeping safe and warm, nutrition and hydration needs and medicines
b) arrangements to maintain staffing cover where there might be difficulties in staff travelling arrangements
c) arrangements to ensure service users have essential supplies, including food and medicines
d) how to ensure service continuity in the event of some service users having to be evacuated and relocated
• put in place appropriate measures to protect the provider’s premises and take steps to limit potential damage where possible
• ensure insurance cover for damage and business interruption
• identify procedures for staff to follow in the event of local flooding or on receiving a flood warning and brief staff on them
• consult fully with local authorities and emergency services on the contingency plans.


There will be a designated lead person to direct and manage any response required to a local flooding emergency. The lead person will ensure:



All staff receive training, which is regularly updated on the provider’s service’s continuity plans, including the emergency actions to be taken in the event of flooding.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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