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N91. Young Workers

General Statement

While generic precautions taken to protect the health and safety of the workforce as a whole will, in many cases, also protect young persons, there are occasions when different and/or additional measures will be necessary. This policy aims to reduce any identified risks to young persons and provide guidance on specific control measures required to protect them. This policy also acknowledges relevant legislative provisions and confirms {{org_field_name}}’s commitment to compliance with these provisions.

The person with responsibility for implementing this policy is ______________________________________.


A child — anyone who has not yet reached the minimum school leaving age (MSLA). Pupils will reach the minimum school leaving age in the year they turn 16.

A young person — anyone under the age of 18.

Arrangements for Securing the Health and Safety of Young Workers

  1. Elimination of Activities Hazardous to Young Workers
    {{org_field_name}} will ensure that work activities exposing young persons to unacceptable risks are eliminated, so far as is reasonably practicable. Measures to achieve this include preventing exposure to such risks by ensuring relevant legal standards are met (dependent on the risk involved), and that official guidance and good practice is followed.
  2. Assessment of Risk
    Where hazardous activities cannot be eliminated, risk assessments carried out by a competent person will be undertaken to identify residual risks and to reduce them to the lowest level reasonably practicable. The assessments will consider the actual risks associated with the work activities and whether or not these risks are increased due to the age, experience and maturity of the young person.
    Specifically, the assessment will consider risks associated with exposure to:
    a. physical agents
    b. biological agents
    c. chemical agents.
    It will also consider other work situations, as prescribed in the Health and Safety Executive’s guidance.
    Risk assessments relating to young persons will be reviewed, and if necessary revised, regularly

Duties of Managers and Supervisors

Managers and supervisors must ensure:

  1. risk assessments are carried out for all work activities undertaken by young persons and associated records and documentation maintained
  2. necessary control measures identified by the risk assessment are implemented, followed, monitored, reviewed and, if necessary, revised
  3. young persons are informed of any risks associated with their work and the control measures taken to protect them before undertaking any work
  4. a copy of the risk assessment is provided to the parents, guardian or those with legal responsibility of any children employed
  5. any adverse incidents are immediately reported and investigated
  6. appropriate information, instruction, supervision and training, is provided.

Duties of Young Workers

Young workers must:

  1. follow any safety arrangements implemented for their protection, including attending training sessions and complying with control measures
  2. not act in a manner that adversely affects their own health and safety, and/or the health and safety of anyone else
  3. report any perceived, or real, shortcomings in protection levels to their employer.

Information and Training

Suitable information, instruction and training will be provided to young workers to ensure their health and safety. Training needs will be identified and reviewed by a competent person. The effectiveness of any training provided will be monitored and regularly reviewed to ensure its continued effectiveness.

Those people responsible for carrying out the risk assessments will be competent to do so.

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

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