CH356. Restrictions on Individual Visiting
{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} Restrictions on Individual Visiting (England) Policy Policy Statement This care service works to the assumption that visiting (in and out of the home) and accompaniment are possible except in the most exceptional circumstances. The care home aims to promote an open ethos whereby all legitimate visitors can feel welcomed and comfortable during their […]
CH356. Clostridiodes Difficile in Care Homes
{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} Clostridiodes Difficile in Care Homes strict guidelines on infection control is of paramount importance in ensuring the safety of both service users and staff. {{org_field_name}} adheres fully to The Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of Practice for Health and Adult Social Care on the Prevention and Control of Infections and Related Guidance (the Hygiene Code), with […]
CH355. Infection Control — Risk Assessment
{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} Infection Control — Risk Assessment (Care Homes) (England) Policy Policy Statement Infection control is the name given to a wide range of policies, procedures and techniques intended to prevent the spread of infectious diseases among staff, people who use services and communities. This document describes the care home’s policies and procedures for assessing […]
CH354. Infection Control — Acute Respiratory Infections
{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} Policy Statement This document describes the care home’s policies and procedures relating to the management of risks posed by acute respiratory infections (ARI). It builds on learning from the Covid-19 pandemic in the areas of emergency response, routine infection control and the importance of visiting. This care service understands that adherence to strict […]
DW251. Cyberbullying
{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} Cyberbullying Policy The policy set out below could either be incorporated into an existing policy on bullying and harassment or used as a stand-alone policy. Policy Statement {{org_field_name}} has a zero tolerance policy towards all forms of bullying and harassment and this includes bullying using technology such as mobile phones and computers whether […]
DW250. Assessing Needs for Domiciliary Support
{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} Assessing Needs for Domiciliary Support (Wales) Policy Aim of the Policy This policy describes the methods for assessing the needs of people who require care and support in their own homes. The policy is in line with the requirements of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 and Regulations: of the Regulated […]
D354. Safeguarding Children and Young People from Bullying, Harassment, Exploitation and Other Forms of Social Abuse
{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} Introduction This policy shows how this domiciliary care service, which provides personal care to children under the age of 18 years in family settings and/or in homes where there are children, deals with social abuse that includes bullying, harassment and exploitation. The policy reflects {{org_field_name}}’s commitment to ensure that people receiving its care […]
D353. People Receiving Care Who Lack Mental Capacity to Take Decisions: Implementation of the Mental Capacity Act in Domiciliary Care
{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} People Receiving Care Who Lack Mental Capacity to Take Decisions: Implementation of the Mental Capacity Act in Domiciliary Care Background The Mental Capacity Act, or MCA as it is often known, was introduced into England and Wales in April 2007 to provide a statutory framework to protect those who lack the mental capacity […]
D352. Infection Control — Risk Assessment
{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} Policy Statement Infection control is the name given to a wide range of policies, procedures and techniques intended to prevent the spread of infectious diseases among staff, people who use services and communities. This document describes {{org_field_name}}’s policies and procedures for assessing the routine risks posed by infectious diseases to people receiving services, […]
D351. Infection Control — Acute Respiratory Infections
{{org_field_logo}} {{org_field_name}} Infection Control — Acute Respiratory Infections Policy Statement This document describes this care service’s policies and procedures relating to the management of risks posed by acute respiratory infections (ARI). This care service understands that adherence to strict guidelines on infection control is of paramount importance in ensuring the safety of both people who […]