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Staff Development, Training and Qualifications Policy


The service considers that its employees represent its greatest asset. By providing opportunities, facilities and, where applicable, financial support for training the service aims to ensure that all of its employees are in possession of the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to perform their jobs to the highest standard.

To this end, the service is committed to functioning as a learning organisation, providing all of its employees with the opportunity for training and retraining in accordance with their own needs and those of the service.

It staff development, learning and training programmes are all designed in line with the requirements of Regulations 17: Good Governance, 18: Staffing, and 19: Fit and Proper Persons Employed of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, all of which enable the provision of safe, person-centred care.

There is a separate related policy on Induction Programmes. Other relevant policies include those for:

Policy Statement

Through its related policies and corresponding procedures, the service is able to show how it supports its staff by providing:

Sought Qualities in Staff

It is the service policy that all staff respect our people who use the service and be accessible, approachable and comfortable with them, and be good listeners and communicators, reliable and honest, interested, motivated and committed. In addition, they should have the skills and experience necessary for the tasks they are expected to perform, including:

Principles of the Service’s Approach to Staff Development, Training and the Achievement of Qualifications

1. The service works to the following principles, in line with its registration conditions as described in the CQC’s fundamental standards, which require providers to employ staff who are suitably qualified and competent to meet the needs of the people who use the service.

2. All staff receive appropriate training to equip them to meet the assessed needs of the people in {{org_field_name}}, as defined in their individual plan of care. All training is regularly updated and staff receive refresher training so that their working practices are kept up to date.

3. Staff are enabled to take part in all the training that is essential to perform their roles effectively and competently. This includes full-time, part-time and temporary staff and staff recruited from overseas. The training is delivered in different ways in line with individuals’ training assessments, which indicate their preferred and most effective ways of learning.

4. Training is provided to comply with statutory requirements in respect of:

5. All training needs and programmes are reviewed at least annually. Refresher and updating training are provided in line with the outcomes of the reviews, and as required by the statutory bodies or training providers involved.

Key Features of the Service’s Development and Training Programmes

To meet its responsibilities for its staff and to meet its registration requirements, the service carries out the following.

Induction Programmes

  1. Every new staff member receives a comprehensive induction.
    a. Staff new to care work will receive a Care Certificate if they complete successfully their 12 weeks introductory training programme, which will allow them to work without being under direct supervision.
    b. New staff members with previous experience of care work will have an induction programme to make them familiar with {{org_field_name}}’s purpose, policies and procedures and general ethos. (See Induction Programmes policy).

Continuing Professional Development

  1. Every staff member has a regular development and training needs assessment and a learning programme based on the assessment, which is subject to further review and updating.
  2. All staff are encouraged to apply to undertake a recognised qualification in health and social care that is relevant to their work and at the appropriate level. {{org_field_name}} will discuss with the individual how their training should be funded and how any public funding can be accessed.
  3. Senior and management staff are expected to engage in continuing professional development activities to develop their leadership and management skills and qualifications.
  4. The service expects and supports any registered professionals, eg nurses employed by the service as registered professionals to keep up to date with their registration conditions.
  5. Any trainees employed by the service (including all staff under 18) are registered as a matter of course on a nationally accredited training programme and/or apprenticeship schemes.
  6. The ongoing training programme is designed to meet all mandatory, sector body and professional requirements and is regularly updated. Staff are enabled to take part in learning and development activities that are relevant and appropriate. Full records are kept of those attending learning and development activities.

Training Records

  1. Staff members have their own portfolios to record their learning and qualifications gained.
  2. The portfolio also contains a personal development plan, which is developed from the person’s supervision sessions and annual appraisal.
  3. The personal development plan contains information about any training opportunities that the member of staff seeks to pursue during the next year.

Supervision and Appraisal

  1. The development of staff is supported through a regular system of supervision and appraisal.
  2. All staff have an annual appraisal in which the outcomes from any training the staff member has had and their future needs are discussed.

Specific Features (Include Where Applicable)

  1. A training noticeboard with the service’s training matrix/planner included on it is situated in the office/staff room. It contains all relevant training information, forthcoming courses and training opportunities are posted. (Or alternative methods of communicating training information such as intranet, emails/bulletins/memos, etc.)
  2. There is a programme of in-house training events and discussions held [eg every second month] which all staff can attend, including night staff, if available. Details of dates and topics are posted on the training noticeboard. (Describe local arrangements.)
  3. All care staff, including night care staff, receive an agreed number of training hours/days. These training days can be taken on outside courses or on in-house training sessions or by following e-learning courses. All such sessions must be agreed with the manager before arranging.
  4. The service will pay a contribution towards the training fees if the manager agrees that the training concerned fits in with the service’s work or will benefit from it. The exact amount of contribution will be negotiated upon application and on the availability of outside funding.
  5. Once an application for a training event has been agreed in principle, the applicant should fill in a training request form and submit this to the registered manager/service owner.
  6. All staff have a personal training file which acts as a record of the training they undertake. They should record details of all training sessions that they attend and have these signed off by a responsible person.

Additional Support

  1. Staff are continuously supported to do their work in a safe working environment.
  2. Staff who have disabilities are provided in line with equality law with the help they need to carry out their work competently to overcome their disabilities.
  3. There are clear procedures that are implemented when staff are subjected to violence, harassment or bullying by other staff, by people who use the service or by carers, relatives or representatives.
  4. There is an open culture in the service which allows staff to feel supported in raising concerns without any fear of recrimination.
  5. There is regular management monitoring, reviewing and updating of all training and of the supervision provided.

Training Needs Assessments and Reviews

Staff can expect their individual training needs to be discussed in their supervision sessions and annual appraisal.

The service also carries out a training review annually, which is made the responsibility of the training manager/co-ordinator. This takes the form of a questionnaire sent to every member of staff on the training they have received and their recommendations for future training.

This review forms part of the service’s quality assurance strategy. The results from the review are combined with the service’s business plan, with individual staff personal development plans and make a major contribution to the planning of the next annual training programme.

Training Responsibilities

The registered person and the registered manager are responsible for the development and implementation of the programmes needed to make sure that the service complies with its registration conditions.

________________________________ is responsible for {{org_field_name}} of induction programmes for new staff.

________________________________ is responsible for the planning and organisation of in-house training.

________________________________ is responsible for assessing workplace competencies and training linked to qualifications in health and social care.

The registered person and registered manager receive training in line with the requirements for their respective roles and responsibilities, including in the case of the registered manager for a suitable leadership and management qualification.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next review date: this policy is reviewed annually (every 12 months). When needed, this policy is also updated in response to changes in legislation, regulation, best practices, or organisational changes.

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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