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Supporting People with Autism Policy

Policy Statement

  1. {{org_field_name}} is committed to promoting the rights and interests of people in line with national policies and guidance. It considers that it is always important to challenge the general perceptions of autistic people as being “different” from other people and the stereotypes and prejudices that accompany such perceptions.
  2. The service’s policies emphasise the rights and needs of every autistic person using services to have a life that affords the same opportunities for community living and development as anyone else in society.
  3. {{org_field_name}} seeks to promote equality, social inclusion, anti-discrimination and anti-stigma for all of autistic people using services. In line with this it challenges any actions that could result in any person using services being unfairly treated, discriminated against or stigmatised because they are autistic.
  4. At the same time, it makes sure that all people who use service are, as adults at risk, fully safeguarded from abuse and exploitation, and takes all the necessary actions to keep people safe if abuse is suspected.
  5. The service helps anyone who lacks mental capacity to take all necessary decisions in line with mental capacity/incapacity laws.
  6. {{org_field_name}} seeks to apply “ordinary living” principles in all aspects of its daily life by providing people who use its services with opportunities to make choices and generally follow their own preferred lifestyles. Its approach to the assessment of people’s needs and personal development plans follows closely recognised person-centred values, principles and processes that take into account each person’s specific needs.
  7. {{org_field_name}} recognises that each person’s needs are different and are addressed in relation to their individual aspirations and goals. It encourages and supports people to develop their abilities to look after themselves and move from the service into accommodation that gives them greater independence and freedom.
  8. All such aspirations and goals are included in the person’s plan of care, which is developed with their full involvement, together with the means by which the person can achieve their chosen goals. The service undertakes to provide each individual with the support and resources they need to promote their individual development and to achieve their goals.
  9. {{org_field_name}} addresses behavioural distress in ways that are consistent with its person-centred principles, fully assessing the reasons and developing strategies that are aimed at preventing and reducing it. The aim is always to help the person interact with others and to improve their social skills and development, and enable their full use of public spaces and facilities.
  10. {{org_field_name}} is committed to developing the services, facilities and resources that are needed by people who use services to develop their personal, practical, social, emotional, communication and independent living skills.
  11. {{org_field_name}} is constantly seeking new ways of enabling people who use services to meet their personal goals. It encourages them, where they are interested and able, to share their experiences with others who also use services, including service providers and professionals and to become involved in user-led consultation and training initiatives.

In these ways the service believes that it is able to achieve high standards of care and support, which are consistent with best practice guidance on person-centred care and support for autistic people.

Staff Training and Supervision

All new health and care staff as well as ancillary staff who may have contact with people with a learning disability and autistic people, such as administrative staff, should receive induction training in line with the respective inductions standards framework and encouraged to work towards further qualifications relevant to the study of autism and learning disability.

{{org_field_name}} complies with CQC statutory guidance, regarding the Health and Care Act (2022) requirement, namely that providers must ensure that all staff receive training in how to interact appropriately with people with a learning disability and autistic people, at a level appropriate to their role.

Whilst a specific training package or course for staff is not defined, {{org_field_name}} understands the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training package on learning disability and autism is the Government’s preferred training for health and social care staff to undertake to enable providers to meet the requirements of this regulation.

All staff who work with autistic people are offered regular supervision to help and support them in their relationships with people who use services.

{{org_field_name}} believes it vital that its staff are able to engage with and establish constructive professional relationships if they are to help people achieve their personal goals. Ongoing support and regular supervision are important means to enable staff to work effectively with people who use services on these issues as key workers and as members of the team.

{{org_field_name}} ensures staff receive appropriate supervision in their role to ensure they demonstrate and maintain competence in understanding the needs of people with a learning disability and autistic people, including knowing how to support them in the best way.

All staff who work with, or may have contact with, autistic people or those with learning disabilities receive awareness training using recognised knowledge and skills frameworks. Staff employed to support autistic people will receive further training in line with their roles and responsibilities. They are encouraged to incorporate this training in any portfolios of evidence needed to achieve further qualifications.

All staff are expected to be fully committed to the service’s philosophy and values on person-centred approaches to autistic people.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next review date: this policy is reviewed annually (every 12 months). When needed, this policy is also updated in response to changes in legislation, regulation, best practices, or organisational changes.

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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