Stress at Work Policy
Policy Statement
Many people find that pressure at work can be stimulating and improve their performance, but when work pressures become excessive, it can lead to feelings of stress. Stress can have adverse effects on both mental and physical well-being, leading to illness, anxiety or unhappiness and feeling unable to cope.
Everyone is different and the threshold for becoming stressed will vary from individual to individual and also depend on what is going on in their life outside work. However, {{org_field_name}} has a policy of ensuring that no employee is made ill by a stressful workplace.
{{org_field_name}} is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of its employees. {{org_field_name}} recognises that work-related stress can damage the mental and physical health of its employees and that work-related stress is a health and safety issue which must be taken seriously by {{org_field_name}}.
This policy will apply to everyone in {{org_field_name}} including temporary staff.
All staff are responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented.
Definition of Stress
The Health and Safety Executive defines stress as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them”. This makes an important distinction between pressure, which can be a positive state if managed correctly, and stress which can be detrimental to health.
Stress can affect anyone and is not a sign of weakness.
- The care service will work to identify all workplace stressors and conduct risk assessments to eliminate stress or control the risks from stress. These risks will be regularly reviewed. Any reasonable and practical adaptations to the physical working environment to reduce stress will be implemented.
- The care service will consult with staff safety representatives on all proposed action relating to the prevention of work-related stress.
- The care service will provide access to confidential counselling for employees affected by stress caused either by work or external factors.
- The care service will provide training for all staff in good stress management practices.
- A system of regular employee appraisal will be in place where individuals can raise concerns about stress, workload, relationships and other pressures with their manager in a supportive environment. Where it is difficult for employees to raise their concerns with the practice their manager arrangements will be made so that they can talk to an alternative member of staff, in confidence, about their concerns.
- Clear guidance on their roles, responsibilities and objectives will be provided for all staff, so they are clear on what is expected of them and the boundaries of their role. Where additional training and development is required to enable an employee to carry out their work without feeling stressed, this will be provided.
- The care service will make every effort to support individuals who are experiencing difficulty with their home situation, including flexible working schedules where possible, leave, advice or simply a listening ear.
- The care service does not tolerate bullying and harassment. The care service’s grievance procedure provides protection for individuals who are being bullied or harassed as well as an effective structure for investigating and acting upon any complaints by staff members.
- The care service manager will:
a. ensure good two-way communication between themselves and their staff
b. ensure that staff are consulted and provided with constructive feedback in the course of their work particularly when changes are being proposed or implemented
c. ensure that bullying and harassment is not tolerated within their area of responsibility the care service
d. carry out risk assessments
e. implement recommendations of risk assessments carried out within their area of responsibility
f. monitor working hours and overtime to ensure that staff are not overloaded or overworking
g. monitor holidays to ensure that staff are taking their full entitlement
h. ensure staff have adequate opportunities for rest, meals and refreshments
i. attend training as requested in good management practice and health and safety
j. ensure staff are fully trained to carry out their duties
k. ensure staff are provided with meaningful developmental opportunities
l. ensure staff experiencing stress have access to appropriate sources of advice and support
m. ensure that lone workers are provided with effective supervision and support
n. offer additional support to a member of staff who is experiencing stress outside work, should it be appropriate
o. encourage a culture where stress is not regarded as a weakness.
In this practice managers will adhere to the Management Standards on Stress at Work developed by the Health and Safety Executive and will work with reference to the Management Competencies for Preventing and Reducing Stress at Work developed by the HSE in collaboration with The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).
- In {{org_field_name}}, employees are expected to:
a. attend preventative stress awareness sessions, when requested, so that they can learn to recognise the signs of stress in themselves and others and be aware of effective strategies to keep stress to the minimum
b. report issues of concern to the care service manager, safety representative or to another senior member of staff so that any problems can be addressed and where possible prevented.
Safety Representatives
- In {{org_field_name}}, safety representatives will:
a. be meaningfully consulted on any changes to work practices or work design that could precipitate work-related stress
b. be meaningfully involved in the risk assessment process
c. be able to consult with staff on the issue of work-related stress
d. conduct joint inspections of the workplace to ensure that environmental causes of stress are properly controlled.
Staff Sickness due to Stress-related Conditions
Where staff members are off sick for a prolonged time with stress problems the care service will be careful to support them and maintain contact throughout the period of sickness. When the person returns to work:
- they will be given a return to work interview
- where necessary, and with their agreement, they will be referred to an appropriate occupational health service for assessment.
The care service will maintain effective procedures for measuring absence and sickness in the workplace which will include a way of identifying sickness which is related to workplace stress. This data will be regularly reviewed by the care service manager to identify any trends or patterns in stress-related sickness that need to be addressed.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
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