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Induction Programmes Policy


This policy is intended to set out the values, principles and policies underpinning {{org_field_name}}’s approach to staff induction training.


{{org_field_name}} understands induction training to refer to the initial training given to new members of staff to orientate them to the job and the workplace, to get them up and running in their role and to ensure that they are working safely and competently as soon as possible.

{{org_field_name}}’s believes that a planned programme for the induction, training and development of new staff is essential to ensure good practice and the provision of a high-quality service. The home believes that without induction training new staff will be unclear as to {{org_field_name}}’s objectives and values and the precise natures of their jobs.

{{org_field_name}} adheres fully to the Care Quality Commission (CQC)’s Guidance about Compliance: Essential Standards of Quality and Safety, which require care providers to make sure that service users’ individual and joint needs are met by appropriately trained staff. As set out in of the Essential Standards of Quality and Safety, induction training is an important part of {{org_field_name}}’s staff development and training strategy.

{{org_field_name}}’s induction programme is developed in line with CQC guidance and the Common Induction Standards (CIS) developed by Skills for Care, the national organisation responsible for social care training (or equivalent organisation in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland). This means that all new staff will receive an initial induction following CQC Guidance Prompt 14A and further induction training within the first 12 weeks of their employment in line with the Skills for Care CIS. Full training records are kept and the CQC also inspects {{org_field_name}} against these standards.

Policy Statement

All new staff receive an initial induction that covers the following issues identified by Prompt 14A of the CQC Essential Standards of Quality and Safety.

The induction for new staff should include information and instruction on:

  1. the aims, objectives and purpose of {{org_field_name}}
  2. information on the people whose care, treatment and support the staff member will be involved in providing and any specific communication needs
  3. the rights of people who use {{org_field_name}}
  4. the policies and procedures of {{org_field_name}}
  5. the actions to be taken in an emergency
  6. the health and safety risk assessments and any necessary health surveillance necessary for their work
  7. how to report adverse events, incidents, errors and near misses
  8. the arrangements for the staff member’s own support and supervision
  9. the support and the safety arrangements where they are required to work alone
  10. the arrangements for reporting where {{org_field_name}} falls below the Essential Standards of Quality and Safety
  11. an orientation to the systems, culture and terminology of the health and/or social care sectors in England, where the staff member has been recruited from outside the UK.

All new staff receive a further structured induction training programme within 12 weeks of their starting, which is based on the CIS set by Skills for Care, ie:

Induction training also covers all of {{org_field_name}}’s key policies and procedures that relate to service users’ care, welfare, protection and safety and all those that relate to staff health and safety as required by the Essential Standards and regulations.

These include:

On appointment, staff will be issued a copy of the CIS and a workbook in which they can record progress. Progress towards completion will be discussed weekly or no more than fortnightly with a designated supervisor, who will be a senior or experienced staff member. On completion the training record will be signed off by the registered manager and the person will be awarded a certificate of completion.

{{org_field_name}} has a “Safe to Leave” policy based on CQC guidance.

It recognises that staff need close supervision and support throughout the induction period. Before any new staff member is allowed to work on their own or with relatively inexperienced colleagues, {{org_field_name}} carries out a full assessment of their competence to do so, which includes an assessment of any risks arising as a result of their working unsupervised.

Induction training is the responsibility of: _____________________________

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next review date: this policy is reviewed annually (every 12 months). When needed, this policy is also updated in response to changes in legislation, regulation, best practices, or organisational changes.

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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