Promoting the Welfare of People Who Use Services. Personal and Nursing Care (Scotland) Policy
Policy Statement
This policy is written to show the commitment of this care service (care home or care at home) to achieving high standards of person-centred personal and, where it is provided, nursing care to ensure people experience the best possible care.
The policy is written in line with the requirements of the national care standards, My Support, My Life. For example, Standard 3.8 states: “I can build a trusting relationship with the person supporting and caring for me in a way that we both feel comfortable with” and 3.9: “I experience warmth, kindness and compassion in how I am supported and cared for, including physical comfort when appropriate for me and the person supporting and caring for me”.
To achieve these standards, the service will always:
- comprehensively assess the needs of all of its current users and prospective users with their full involvement and provision of information
- plan and deliver their care, treatment and support so that they are safe, their welfare is protected and their needs are met through a personal plan
- take account of best practice knowledge and guidance
- be person-centred, respectful and sensitive to the person receiving the care in everything that it does
- have arrangements in place so that it can respond quickly and appropriately to any emergency that might arise in the care of any individual
- ensure wherever a person needs nursing care, it is provided to a high standard.
Personal Care
The service makes sure through its well co-ordinated policies and practices, leadership and ethos that it always provides effective, safe and appropriate personalised care, treatment and support. Its assessments and care planning are consistent with the requirements to be:
- centred on the individual by considering all aspects of their individual circumstances, and their immediate and longer term needs
- developed with the individual receiving care and/or those acting on their behalf and/or those acting on their behalf
- met through a plan of care which is flexible, regularly reviewed, adapted as needed and kept up to date in line with any changing needs
- focused on maintaining the welfare and promoting the wellbeing of each person receiving care by taking account of all their needs, including healthcare, physical, mental and emotional needs
- active in the prevention and early detection of ill health, including relapse, wherever there are real factors that present a risk to people’s health and welfare
- promoting opportunities for people receiving care to make healthy living choices concerning exercise, diet and lifestyle in general.
Nursing Care (where and as applicable)
People receive nursing care in line with their needs from suitably qualified nurses. The service will ensure that it always has the necessary availability of qualified nurses or (as a nursing home) has available a suitable complement of qualified nurses to meet the daily and night time needs of the people using its services.
Registered nurses in this service are fully supported to practise as their professional registration status and Codes of Practice require, and to continue their professional development and revalidation procedures when necessary.
Protocols and Procedures
The service has a range of policies, procedures, protocols and practices that help it to achieve compliance with its registration standards. These policies contribute to making sure that people’s care and welfare is of the highest standards possible. The service is also committed to taking immediate action in the event of any shortfalls in its care being identified.
All the service’s policies reflect the basic values and principles of person-centred care, showing commitment to and application of individual rights, equality and diversity, needs for privacy, dignity, independence, exercise of choice and for fulfilment.
All staff receive training in basic values and principles and the range of policies that are required to achieve high standards of care and welfare from their induction onwards.
All training, including induction training, is in line with the guidance and standards produced by the relevant social and healthcare workforce development organisations.
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