Promoting and Supporting Social Contacts, Relationships and Activities of People Living in Care Homes (Scotland) Policy
Policy Statement
This policy sets out the values, principles and procedures underpinning {{org_field_name}}’s approach to the social life of the people living in the home and their need to develop and maintain personal and family relationships and meaningful activities.
{{org_field_name}} considers that its residents should expect their quality of life to be enhanced by living at {{org_field_name}} and by the provision of a safe, manageable and comfortable environment which provides the stimulation and encouragement to pursue their lives to the maximum chosen physical, intellectual, emotional and social capacity, and supports their friendships and family relationships.
The policy is in line with the requirements of the national care standards, My Support, My Life, which require service providers to ensure that their care users experience high quality care, which enables them to lead social lives according to their interests and preferences. For example, Standard 5.9 states: “I experience care and support free from isolation because the location and type of premises enable me to be an active member of the local community if this is appropriate”.
This policy relates to several others including:
- Visiting and Visitors in Care Homes
- Escorting and Supporting Residents Out of {{org_field_name}}
- Safeguarding People Using a Care Service from the Harmful Actions and Behaviour of Peers and Social Contacts Policy
- Management of Residents’ Social Fund
Enabling Social Contacts and Relationships
{{org_field_name}} recognises that:
- having social contacts
- developing and maintaining personal and family relationships
- engaging in activities that are meaningful to the individual and are in line with their personal interests
are crucial aspects of living a fulfilled and healthy life.
{{org_field_name}} will provide ample opportunities for people living in the home to mix and seek friendship and pleasure in social contacts and in the company of their friends and relatives, and be socially active.
It will also safeguard people from potential harm and the risks of coming to harm from their participation in the social life and activities of the home.
Family and Friends
The following applies.
- Staff should support everyone living in the home to maintain their family links and existing friendships both inside and outside the home in line with their wishes and consent.
- Family and friends should be welcomed at the home and their involvement in daily routines and activities will be actively encouraged subject to the agreement of the person receiving care.
- People living in the home should:
- be able to choose which visitors they see and when
- be able to see visitors in their rooms if they wish and in private
- be encouraged and supported to meet people and make friends inside and outside the home in line with their wishes and preferences
- be able to develop and maintain close or even intimate personal relationships with people of their choice at the home; information and specialist guidance should be provided to help the person to make appropriate decisions in this regard
- be supported by the home to join activities and groups in the local community if they so wish, for example, social clubs, day centres and social gatherings.
- All visitors to the home should always respect the home’s smoking (or no smoking) policy.
- Everyone is made aware of the importance of adhering to the infection and prevention control policies in place.
Activities and Occupation
- The home also considers that privacy and choice are rights of every person living in the home, so all residents should:
- have access to a wide range of social activities should they wish to access them
- be supported by the home and by staff if they wish to develop an interest or an activity that is not currently supported by the home
- be able to remain at the home or opt out of social activities should they wish to do so
- if lacking mental capacity to decide to take part in a particular activity be fully supported to make the appropriate decisions in line with Mental Capacity Act 2005 requirements.
- Each person’s interests should be supported whenever possible to encourage individuality and staff should:
- discuss individual needs with each resident and complete a list of their likes and dislikes
- encourage residents to attend social activities by informing them they are being held but respect their wishes if they do not wish to join in
- help each person remain as independent as possible and offer support and supervision as necessary
- be flexible and patient
- ensure that all activities are safe, risks are fully assessed and suitable control measures are put in place
- carry out a mental capacity assessment and follow the appropriate “best interests” decision making where indicated.
Visits and Social Contacts
In {{org_field_name}}:
- all visits by friends or relatives are encouraged and welcomed
- in normal circumstances, a person living in the home can receive visitors at any reasonable time of the day or evening in line with their wishes, routines and other activities
- the home will always respond positively to requests from relatives and friends to visit anyone receiving end-of-life care, who is dying or placed in exceptional circumstances, and will accommodate their wishes wherever possible
- residents might wish to receive visitors in their bedrooms or in a communal area, and staff will support their wishes
- chairs and tables are available for residents to entertain visitors in the comfort of their rooms
- there are processes for supporting residents to choose who they wish to see and who they do not wish to see
- people should have access to coffee and tea making equipment or facilities for making suitable refreshments for guests
- relatives, friends and representatives of residents should be given written information about the home’s policy on maintaining their involvement with residents
- involvement in the home by local community groups and/or volunteers is welcomed in that it fits with residents’ preferences
- staff who suspect that a specific visit or visitor is disturbing or unsettling a person receiving care, or where they may suspect that an abusive or inappropriate relationship is developing, should report their observations to the person in charge or to the home management immediately.
Leisure, Social and Occupational Activities
[Adapt to reflect the individual home.]
- The home has an activities co-ordinator/lead:
- to assess residents’ interests
- to help residents’ follow their interests
- to arrange and organise activity programmes in response to residents’ needs and demands, including those that will help people to lead healthy lifestyles and promote their wellbeing.
- (See example of Job Description for an Activity Co-ordinator in Resources.)
- {{org_field_name}} discusses with each resident their interests as part of their care planning and reviews, and how they might be followed.
- (See Individual Leisure and Activities Questionnaire and Planning Form in Resources.)
- Staff should discuss with the activities co-ordinator/lead any new ideas or suggestions for social activities.
- Current activities at the home are composed of both indoor and outdoor pursuits and include arts and crafts, gardening, photography, keep-fit, swimming, etc (describe as appropriate).
- Holidays and short breaks are encouraged as are regular outings to places of local interest and also the taking of small groups to lunch at the local pub.
- We also arrange a wide variety of musical entertainment, reminiscent speakers and in-house games for the enjoyment of the residents. There are quizzes, word games and at Christmas and New Year, relatives and friends are invited to join our festivities. Every summer we have an annual fete which is widely supported and we also hold barbecues.
- For residents who prefer a quieter time there are also a range of facilities that they can enjoy. They may choose to spend time in the gardens, or read the newspapers, magazines and books provided.
- People living in the home can order privately any magazines or newspapers that they wish to have delivered daily (which they might pay for as items that are not included in the standard contract).
- {{org_field_name}} supports all residents to use (with suitable safeguards in place) new technologies such as the internet and social media to maintain their social contacts and follow leisure pursuits. This is particularly important during periods when the person might be unable to have visits or to visit others outside the home.
- {{org_field_name}} identifies any social activities that it might arrange or recommend, which residents might need to pay for, and include that information in its brochure and care home agreements.
- {{org_field_name}} has a fund raised from subscriptions and events that enables residents who would otherwise not have the means to pay to be included in the events and activities for which extra charges have to be made. There are robust governance arrangements in place to raise, manage and administer these funds.
All staff will be offered training covering basic information about individual care planning and the support of social activities.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved