

Registration Number: {{org_field_registration_no}}

Good Governance: Organisational Structure Policy

1. Purpose and Scope

This policy outlines the governance framework of {{org_field_name}} to ensure that we operate a well-led, safe, and high-quality Supported Living service in compliance with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Regulation 17 – Good Governance​. The policy provides clarity on how we manage and govern our organisation to meet legal, regulatory, and ethical requirements.

2. Governance Framework

Governance is the system of rules, practices, and processes that {{org_field_name}} uses to manage its operations effectively. It provides a structured approach to decision-making, risk management, compliance, and quality assurance.

A strong governance framework ensures that our Supported Living service is well-led, safe, and continuously improving in accordance with CQC Regulation 17 – Good Governance​. It also ensures that we comply with legal, ethical, and regulatory obligations, including those set by the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.

Our governance framework is built on three key pillars:

2.1 Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership ensures that {{org_field_name}} operates with a clear mission, vision, and values that align with best practice standards and CQC requirements. Leadership responsibilities include:

Our leadership team includes:

2.2 Oversight and Monitoring of Service Quality, Safety, and Compliance

Governance ensures that {{org_field_name}} has robust monitoring systems in place to oversee the quality, safety, and compliance of the services we provide. This includes:

Through data-driven decision-making, {{org_field_name}} identifies areas for improvement, implements corrective actions, and continuously enhances service quality.

2.3 Engagement with Stakeholders

Governance is also about building strong relationships with stakeholders who are directly or indirectly impacted by our services. These include:

2.3.1 Service Users and Families

2.3.2 Staff and Workforce

2.3.3 Regulatory and External Bodies

Through effective governance, {{org_field_name}} fosters transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement, ensuring a well-led, high-quality Supported Living service that prioritises the safety and dignity of service users.

3. Organisational Structure

Our organisational structure provides a clear framework for decision-making, accountability, and effective governance within {{org_field_name}}. It ensures that responsibilities are well-defined and that care services are delivered efficiently, safely, and in compliance with CQC regulations.

By establishing a structured hierarchy, we maintain high standards of leadership, operational efficiency, and care quality, ensuring that every role contributes to the organisation’s success. Below is a breakdown of key roles and responsibilities:

3.1 Board of Directors

3.2 Registered Provider

Name: {{org_field_name}}
The Registered Provider is the legal entity responsible for the overall management, regulation, and compliance of the Supported Living service. This role includes:

3.3 Nominated Individual

Name: {{org_field_nominated_individual_first_name}} {{org_field_nominated_individual_last_name}}
The Nominated Individual is appointed to act on behalf of the Registered Provider and is accountable for supervising the management of regulated activities. Their responsibilities include:

3.4 Registered Manager

Name: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
The Registered Manager is responsible for the day-to-day running of the service, ensuring that high-quality care is provided in a safe and effective manner. This role is crucial for:

3.5 Care Coordinators

Care Coordinators play a key role in organising and managing service delivery. They:

3.6 Care Workers

Care Workers are the frontline staff delivering direct care and support to service users in their own homes. They:

3.7 Additional Support Roles

4. Governance Responsibilities

Our governance responsibilities ensure that {{org_field_name}} operates in a well-led, safe, and compliant manner, meeting all regulatory and legal obligations. This section outlines how governance is embedded into our organisation through leadership, monitoring, quality assurance, and compliance.

4.1 Managing and Governing the Organisation

We maintain robust governance by implementing structured leadership, oversight mechanisms, and accountability frameworks that support our strategic direction and operational efficiency.

Key governance practices include:

Regular Management Meetings

Compliance with CQC Regulations

Policy and Procedure Management

4.2 Continuous Assessment and Improvement

We use a continuous improvement approach to monitor service performance and drive quality enhancements.

Internal Audits

Action Plans for Improvement

Staff Training and Development

4.3 Seeking and Acting on Feedback

We foster a culture of openness and continuous improvement by actively engaging with service users, families, staff, and external stakeholders.

Service User Engagement

Staff Consultations and Engagement

Complaints Handling

4.4 Assessing, Monitoring, and Improving Quality & Safety

Ensuring high standards of care, safety, and compliance is at the core of our governance framework.

Risk Management and Health & Safety

Incident Reporting and Learning Culture

Safeguarding Compliance

4.5 Record Keeping and Data Protection

We ensure accurate, secure, and confidential management of service user records, staff files, and operational data.

Accurate and Secure Record-Keeping

GDPR and Data Protection Compliance

Data Audits and Monitoring

4.6 Compliance with Statutory Requirements

We are committed to full compliance with all legal, ethical, and professional regulations governing Supported Living services.

CQC Registration and Compliance

Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Care Act 2014 Compliance

Duty of Candour (Regulation 20)

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
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Copyright © {{current_year}} – {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved.

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