Registration Number: {{org_field_registration_no}}
Management of Accidents, Incidents, and Near Misses Policy
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that {{org_field_name}} has a structured and effective system for managing accidents, incidents, and near misses. This policy ensures compliance with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, particularly Regulation 12 (Safe Care and Treatment), Regulation 16 (Receiving and Acting on Complaints), and Regulation 20 (Duty of Candour). It provides guidance on incident reporting, investigation, corrective action, and continuous learning to improve safety and prevent recurrence.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, and contractors working within {{org_field_name}}. It covers all types of accidents, incidents, and near misses, including but not limited to:
- Injuries to the people we support, staff, or visitors.
- Medication errors.
- Safeguarding concerns.
- Falls, slips, or trips.
- Equipment failures.
- Environmental hazards.
- Security breaches.
- Infection control breaches.
3. Principles of Effective Accident, Incident, and Near Miss Management
{{org_field_name}} is committed to maintaining a safe environment through the following principles:
Reporting and Recording of Incidents
- Staff can report incidents directly to the Registered Manager, {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}, via email at {{org_field_registered_manager_email}} or by phone at {{org_field_registered_manager_phone}}.
- All accidents, incidents, and near misses must be reported immediately to a line manager or senior staff member.
- Reports must be documented using the Incident Report Form within 24 hours of the event.
- Incidents involving harm or potential harm to the people we support must be reported to the Registered Manager and Safeguarding Lead, {{org_field_safeguarding_lead_name}}, via email at {{org_field_safeguarding_lead_email}} or by phone at {{org_field_safeguarding_lead_phone}}, as required.
- RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013) reporting will be completed where required for serious incidents.
- Incident reports must be factual, objective, and comprehensive, avoiding speculation or assumptions.
Investigation and Root Cause Analysis
- Every reported accident or incident will be reviewed by the Health and Safety Lead or Registered Manager to assess severity and risk.
- For serious incidents, a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) will be conducted to identify underlying causes and contributing factors.
- Where necessary, staff involved in the incident will be interviewed, and witness statements will be obtained.
- Findings will be documented, and lessons learned will be shared across the organisation to prevent recurrence.
Duty of Candour and Communication
- Under Regulation 20 (Duty of Candour), we ensure that:
- The affected individual (or their representative) is informed of the incident as soon as possible.
- A formal written apology is provided where appropriate.
- They are updated on the investigation findings and actions taken to prevent recurrence.
- Families and external stakeholders will be informed transparently when serious incidents occur.
Corrective Actions and Preventive Measures
- Following an investigation, an Action Plan will be developed to address the root causes.
- Actions may include:
- Additional staff training.
- Reviewing and updating policies and procedures.
- Improving environmental safety measures.
- Implementing new equipment or technology.
- Implementation of corrective measures will be monitored, and their effectiveness will be evaluated.
Learning from Incidents and Continuous Improvement
- Regular trend analysis is conducted to identify recurring patterns and systemic issues.
- Findings from incident reviews will be discussed in staff meetings and training sessions.
- Lessons learned will be incorporated into risk assessments, policies, and staff development programmes.
- Anonymised incident reports will be used in training scenarios to enhance learning.
Multi-Agency Collaboration and External Reporting
- Where required, incidents will be reported to:
- CQC (Care Quality Commission) for notifiable safety incidents.
- Local Authority Safeguarding Teams where abuse or neglect is suspected.
- RIDDOR (HSE – Health and Safety Executive) for workplace-related serious injuries and illnesses.
- NHS and relevant commissioners where appropriate.
- Multi-agency safeguarding meetings may be conducted to address safeguarding-related incidents.
Emergency Response to Major Incidents
- A Major Incident Plan is in place for significant events such as fires, pandemics, security threats, or major health and safety failures.
- Staff are trained on emergency response procedures, including evacuation, first aid, and crisis management.
- The Business Continuity Plan ensures service continuity during major disruptions.
Confidentiality and Data Protection
- Incident reports and investigations are confidential and stored securely.
- Information is only shared with authorised personnel on a need-to-know basis.
- Compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) ensures the safe handling of personal data.
4. Roles and Responsibilities
- Registered Manager: Ensures compliance with all CQC regulations related to incident management and oversees investigations.
- Health and Safety Lead: Conducts risk assessments, incident investigations, and trend analysis.
- All Staff: Responsible for reporting incidents, following procedures, and participating in corrective actions.
- Safeguarding Lead: Ensures appropriate response and reporting of safeguarding-related incidents.
- Compliance Officer: Ensures regulatory and external reporting obligations are met.
5. Related Policies
This policy should be read in conjunction with:
- SL11 – Safe Care and Treatment Policy
- SL13 – Safeguarding Adults from Abuse and Improper Treatment Policy
- SL16 – Health and Safety at Work Policy
- SL20 – Duty of Candour Policy
- SL25 – Notification of Other Incidents Policy
- SL30 – Emergency and Business Continuity Plan
6. Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually or sooner if legislative changes, CQC requirements, or organisational needs necessitate an update. Any updates will be communicated to all staff to ensure continued compliance and best practices in accident, incident, and near-miss management.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}
Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}
Copyright © {{current_year}} – {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved.