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Water Supply Management in Care Homes Policy

Policy Statement

It is essential that all care homes are comfortable and homely and provide a high-quality and safe living environment for their residents.

Care homes should be well lit and ventilated and all risks associated with mains services, such as electricity, gas or water supplies, should be controlled and managed.

{{org_field_name}} recognises that the provision of effective, safe and sufficient water services is vital in the running of the home. In addition to adequate water for washing and bathing, the home understands that providing access to drinking water throughout the day in care homes is a simple and effective health promotion measure and all residents should therefore have access to clean, safe, fresh water as well as having the health information to allow them to choose good hydration.

The home understands that the provision of safe and high-quality essential services is a legal requirement under all national care standards and regulations which require care home premises to be clean, secure, suitable for the purpose for which they are being used, properly used and properly maintained.


In {{org_field_name}} the manager will:

  1. ensure that supplies of good-quality hot and cold clean running water are provided at the home at all times
  2. ensure that water supplies and services meet the needs of individuals, as well as relevant building regulations and environmental health requirements
  3. prevent risks from legionella bacteria by ensuring that hot water is stored at a temperature of at least 60°C and distributed around the water system at 50°C minimum
  4. ensure that all residents are assessed for risks of scalding
  5. prevent risks from scalding by ensuring that pre-set valves, of a type unaffected by changes in water pressure and which have failsafe devices, are fitted locally to provide water no hotter than 44°C
  6. ensure that people who use services are provided with and have access to fresh drinking water throughout the day
  7. ensure that plumbing systems in the home are designed, installed and maintained properly and that water supplies are free from contamination
  8. ensure that the home complies with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999
  9. ensure that water supply systems, plumbing systems, water fittings and water using appliances in the home are fit for purpose
  10. ensure that a programme of routine inspection, maintenance and renewal of the fabric and decoration of the premises is implemented which includes all services such as heating, lighting, ventilation and water supplies
  11. ensure that any plumbers contracted to work at the home are suitably qualified and understand the health and safety requirements of working in a social care environment.

Care home staff are made responsible for reporting any defects or failures of equipment or services immediately and for taking appropriate action in the event that the failure or defect constitutes a hazard or a danger to residents, staff or visitors.

Service Failure

The home will at all times have in place clear contingency plans for the failure of water, electricity or gas supplies.

In {{org_field_name}} the phone numbers of {{org_field_name}}’s electricity supplier, gas supplier and water supplier should be kept to hand in an emergency file and any failure in essential services should be reported immediately to the appropriate authority.

The water supplier for {{org_field_name}} is: ________________________________

The emergency plumber is: ________________________________

Discussions will be held and reviewed with suppliers to make contingency plans and any failure of essential services will be considered as an adverse or critical incident and investigated thoroughly by {{org_field_name}} manager. Action will be taken after any investigation in collaboration with the service supplier to prevent such a failure happening again.


Recent years have seen increasing concern in the UK about environmental issues, specifically pollution, waste management, energy and water conservation, transport issues and the recycling of resources — so-called “green” issues. In this respect the care sector is, along with other industries, being obliged to improve upon its environmental performance by complying with relevant guidance and regulation and to adopt modern methods of environmental management and control.

In {{org_field_name}}:

  1. {{org_field_name}} manager will monitor water usage and will work with suppliers to ensure that all reasonable and appropriate water conservation techniques are in place and are supported by staff
  2. a “zero-tolerance” approach will be taken to leaking hoses, pipes and taps with all such leaks prioritised for repair as soon as they are reported
  3. water usage in the grounds will be reduced by the adoption of up-to-date sustainable grounds management policies and techniques including, where appropriate, rainwater harvesting, limited sprinkler use, the use of weeding-proof membranes or mulching to seal in moisture, and “grey” water recycling.


All staff are responsible for the implementation of this policy. Overall responsibility for ensuring that the policy is implemented, monitored and reviewed rests with {{org_field_name}} manager.

Information on the policy will be:

  1. circulated to all staff
  2. provided to all new employees
  3. included in relevant policies such as the sustainability policy, the legionella policy and the planning and preventative maintenance policy.


All new staff should be encouraged to read this policy as part of their induction process. Those with specific duties and responsibilities under the policy will be offered additional training.

All staff will be trained to ensure that they use water in a responsible way and that leaking taps or pipes are reported immediately.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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