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Wheelchairs in {{org_field_name}} Policy

Some service users might already be using a wheelchair prior to admission to a care home. Others might be assessed as needing the use of one after admission. The home might also have its stock of wheelchairs for occasional or regular use by residents.

Like all appliances their safe and effective use needs to be carefully managed, hence the need for a separate policy on wheelchair use.

The home’s situation can be further complicated by ownership issues. Wheelchairs can be privately bought (sometimes with funding help) and owned or supplied by the NHS through a local wheelchair service. Homes should contact their local wheelchair service for information on how they operate in relation to care homes in their area and on any advice and guidance they can provide on use and maintenance.

Policy Aim

To describe how service users who need them make use of wheelchairs inside and outside the home.

Scope of Policy

This policy applies to all service users who need to move around in a wheelchair. This includes people who for mobility purposes need to use a wheelchair:

Parts of the policy also apply to visitors in wheelchairs and any staff member who is a wheelchair user.

The policy refers to any wheelchair, whether manual or powered, and includes the use of accessories such as cushions, armrests, trays, posture belts, etc.

Principles and Standards

The home is committed to the idea that the use of wheelchairs can increase the freedom of movement and independence of residents with mobility difficulties. It encourages prospective or new residents who, as regular users, own their wheelchairs to continue using them at the home.

The home is fully adapted for wheelchair use to meet national care standards.

The home helps any resident who requires constant use of a wheelchair, because of incapacity, to obtain one that is suitable for their needs and will help to negotiate one that is fit for purpose, is affordable, is serviced regularly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, and meets all health and safety standards.

All wheelchair use is subject to thorough risk assessments, safety checks and routine maintenance and servicing in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions.

The home also supplies wheelchairs for use by residents who do not need to own one, but who use one on an occasional basis or for a specific purpose. The home ensures that these meet strict safety standards and that staff are trained in their use, which is also consistent with the user’s service plan.

Staff are fully trained to support wheelchair users to obtain maximum benefit from their aids and to respect residents’ dignity and wishes when providing help.

Care is taken to ensure that wheelchairs are stored correctly to ensure that they do not cause any inconvenience or act as a safety hazard to the user and others.

Policy Statement

The home’s approach to wheelchair use is based on the following.

Comprehensive Assessment and Review

The home ensures that residents’ mobility and posture management needs are thoroughly assessed by an occupational therapist or other qualified person. Assessments take into account all risk and safety factors.

Wheelchair use is included in the individual’s service plan and made subject to regular review.

Fitness for Purpose of Appliances

The home ensures that all residents who use a wheelchair are provided with appliances that are fit for purpose and are correctly used to ensure safe use. This entails following the manufacturer’s instructions regarding use, maintenance and servicing and current Medical Device Agency guidelines.

The home does not permit the use outside of the home of wheelchairs, whether manual or power-assisted, that are for indoor use only.

It ensures safe use of wheelchairs at all times by making sure seat belts/lap belts, etc are correctly positioned to prevent injury.

It also ensures to prevent accidents that brakes are fully operational and accessible to the person controlling the wheelchair.

Residents who go out in their wheelchairs outside of the home independently or with assistance do so only on the basis of a full risk assessment and signed/recorded agreement, which details any considered risks and responsibilities and liability in the case of accident or mishap.

Servicing, Maintenance and Repair

The home ensures that all wheelchairs it owns and those that residents own are checked before use, maintained and serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Staff Responsibilities and Training

The home trains its staff to ensure that they provide constructive help to any wheelchair users with whom they work, and that they do so in ways that maintain their dignity and independence.

The home instructs its staff to carry out appropriate safety checks and risk assessments whenever residents require use of a wheelchair indoors or outdoors.

Staff are also expected to monitor and review how residents make use of wheelchairs in relation to their mobility and postural needs and to contribute to these assessments and reviews.

{{org_field_name}} also appoints a staff member to be a wheelchair co-ordinator to ensure that all aspects of this policy are effectively implemented, including the monitoring of appliances, the maintenance of relevant records and ensuring that wheelchair use is covered in staff supervision and training.

Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}

Reviewed on: {{last_update_date}}

Next Review Date: {{next_review_date}}

Copyright ©2024 {{org_field_name}}. All rights reserved

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