Emergency Planning for Care Services Policy
It is an unfortunate fact of life that accidents, emergencies and disasters do occasionally occur. This practice believes that it is important that its staff are prepared for such events so that they can respond to them quickly and effectively to safeguard both patients and staff. This practice believes that in such circumstances, it is vital that managers and staff know exactly what to do and that preparations are made to cover all eventualities.
In this practice the following will be observed.
It is considered vital that practice staff are prepared for any emergencies that might occur and that plans are in place to cover all possible scenarios and contingencies. This includes plans for:
- disasters or serious emergencies
- accidents
- medical emergencies
- short-staffing emergencies
- winter emergencies and power cuts
- heat wave emergencies
- fire
- floods
- infection control and public health emergencies
- security emergencies
- transport emergencies
To control against the above risks a Business Continuity Risk Assessment and Contingency Plan will be completed which will be regularly updated and monitored. The assessment will identify threats and risks to the continuity of the main functions of the practice while the contingency plan will outline steps to be taken to reduce the risks. Copies of
- the risk assessment and the contingency plan will be kept at an alternative location to
- the practice.
The practice will be aware of and linked into any local authority emergency plans which cover large-scale, serious emergencies in the area around the practice, for instance serious floods or disasters.
There will be suitable numbers of staff on duty at all times to cover both the day-to-day activities of the practice and any emergencies or unforeseen incidents.
- There will be adequate numbers of both suitably trained, certified first aiders and appointed persons to cover all shifts sessions worked in the practice in order to provide cover for medical emergencies and accidents.
- Fire procedures, arrangements and policies will be kept up to date and will include provision for the safe, orderly evacuation of the building.
- Carbon monoxide (CO) alarms will be installed as advised by a fire prevention professional, and staff trained to recognise the symptoms of CO poisoning emergencies.
- Flood warnings will be monitored and the practice will work with local authorities and emergency services to be prepared to take any appropriate action required to safeguard the practice in the event of local flooding
- An evacuation plan will be in place should the need arise to evacuate the patients and staff to a place of safety.
- Any suspected outbreak of infectious disease will be reported immediately to the appropriate authorities.
- Plans and procedures will be in place to be followed in the event of an alert or breach of security, or in the event of an attack or aggression directed at a member of staff.
- Arrangements will be made for the practice manager to be able to draft in extra staff in the event of a staffing shortage or emergency.
- On call back-up arrangements should be made whereby staff on duty have someone to call in the event of an emergency or if they require extra help.
- All computer systems will have back-up provision so that essential data is not lost in the case of an IT failure.
To reduce the risk of emergencies due to winter, cold, icy and or stormy weather, the practice will:
- ensure that staff have a current list of emergency contact phone numbers for electricity, gas and water suppliers
- ensure heating equipment is installed properly and that a trained specialist has inspected and serviced it every year
- discourage the use of extra heaters wherever possible by ensuring that the practice is kept warm
- have a back-up heating plan in case of power cuts
- grit paths and steps.
To reduce the risk of emergencies due to summer or extreme heat wave conditions, the practice will:
- take steps to ensure that the premises are kept as cool as possible
- have adequate numbers of fans available
Emergency phone numbers are as follows.
- In the event of a medical emergency, staff should administer first aid as appropriate and call 999 and ask for an ambulance.
- In the event of a fire emergency, staff should raise the alarm, evacuate the building, and call 999 and ask for the fire brigade.
- In the event of a security emergency or a violent attack, staff should call 999 and ask for the police.
All emergency plans will be drawn up with staff involvement and communicated to staff on induction, during regular training and through any appropriate means of communication such as at staff meetings and briefings, etc.
All staff should be made aware of any emergency numbers to ring and back-up arrangements.
Responsible Person: {{org_field_registered_manager_first_name}} {{org_field_registered_manager_last_name}}
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